No, but he was arraigned for his murder of JFK, and Officer Tippet. After he was already dead, it was learned that he had also tried to shoot a general who lived in Dallas, but missed.
Given the vast amount of evidence, both physical, witnesses, and circumstantial, there is no real doubt of his guilt, especially since there has never been any physical evidence of anyone else being involved... and innocent men don't murder police officers during a getaway.
JFK was killed BY Oswald, with a rifle.
Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby two days after Kennedy was assassinated. There was never a chance to put Oswald on trial.
The conspiracy theorists claim Oswald was just a pasty while evil men behind the scene pulled his strings. Oswald had nothing personal against Kennedy, chances are good Oswald could not even have said why he shot Kennedy.
No, according to every investigation into the assassination Lee Harvey Oswald was the only person involved.
The law against killing someone illegally.
Lee Harvey Oswald was in the Marines.
Lee Harvey Oswald
Lee Harvey Oswald was convicted of killing the president.
Oswald killed Kennedy and a police officer named Tippit.
John F Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.
John F Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.
Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and charged with JFK's assassination. He (Oswald) was, himself, assassinated two days later by Jack Ruby.
Lee Harvey Oswald was charged, but killed in a shootout. Nobody was ever convicted.
Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy.
Lee Harvey Oswald
Lee Harvey Oswald.
Lee Harvey Ozwald
It was said that Lee Harvey Oswald was the person who planned and did the assassination.