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The elder wand is buried with him

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Q: What wand is buried with Dumbledore?
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Who did Albus Dumbledore duel to win the elder wand?

Albus Dumbledore dueled Gellert Grindelwald to gain possession of the Elder Wand. He won that duel, Grindelwald was imprisoned, and Dumbledore kept the wand until his death.

What type of wand Core does Albus Dumbledore have?

Albus Dumbledore is master of the Elder Wand The Elder Wand's core is Thestral

What wand did Harry Potter defeat Lord Voldemort with?

Harry used the Hawthorn wand that was previously Draco Malfoy's. It went like this:In order to truly own the Elder wand, a wizard would have to take the wand of the current master against their wishes. Albus Dumbledore was the true master of the Elder wand. Draco Malfoy became the next true owner when he disarmed Albus Dumbledore right before his death. However, the Elder wand was buried with Dumbledore. Draco never knew he was the new master. Later, Harry took Draco's Hawthorn wand while he was escaping Malfoy Manor. Since Malfoy was the current master of the Elder wand, this passed the Elder wand's ownership on to Harry. In the meantime, Voldemort broke into Dumbledore's tomb and stole the Elder wand. Voldemort thought that Snape was the new master, as he had killed Dumbledore, not realizing that Draco had disarmed Dumbledore. Voldemort killed Snape and believed himself to be the new Elder wand master. When it came down to the final duel in the Great Hall, Voldemort used the Elder wand that Harry was now master of. Voldemort cast an Avada Kedavra curse at Harry. Harry cast an Expelliarmus spell. Since Harry was the master of the wand Voldemort was using, the Elder Wand would not kill its true master, therefore, Voldemort's Avada Kedavra rebounded off of the Expelliarmus and killed him.

Why was Draco Malfoy the master of the Elder wand?

because he is very old Correction: Draco Malfoy was never an owner of the elder wand physically but he was a master of the wand. Near the end of the sixth book, The Half-Blood Prince, when Harry and Dumbledore returned form retrieving a Horcrux in the cave. When they returned to Hogwarts, Madame Rosemerta informed them that the Dark Mark had been conjured over the Astronomy Tower. While Dumbledore was up in the tower he was surrounded by Death Eaters and student Draco Malfoy who was supposed to kill Dumbledore. Draco had dissarmed Dumbledore who was the current owner of the Elder's Wand, by doing this Draco had become a Master of the Elder Wand without his knowledge. Dumbledore was then killed by Snape and the Elder Wand wand was burried with him in his tomb. Later in the series Harry Potter overpowers Draco, becoming the Master of the wand without Voldemort knowing, who had stolen the wand and killed Snape assuming he was the true master when really it was Harry.

How did Professor Dumbledore get the elder wand?

He steals it from Albus Dumbledore's sarcophagus in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, after finally discovering that Dumbledore had possessed it all along. He is not, however, aware that even though he's taken the wand, it still does not technically belong to him, and so he cannot wield it as it was meant to be wielded. Therefore, he murders Severus Snape, under the assumption that doing so will make him the wand's master. Turns out he was wrong again though and the wand was actually meant to be loyal to Harry Potter, because draco malfoy disarmed dumbledore in the observitory tower in harry potter 6 and then later in the 7th one, harry disarms draco becoming the true master of the elder wand, so Voldemort was REALLY slippin' in his pimpin' toward the end.LOL

Related questions

Where is the elder wand in Deathly Hallows?

The wand was buried in Albus Dumbledore's palms when Dumbledore was buried. It was later found by Lord Voldemort

Who was the master of dumbledore's wand?

Dumbledore, obviously.

What wand did voltemort take from Dumbledore's burial vault?

The elder wand

Who did Albus Dumbledore duel to win the elder wand?

Albus Dumbledore dueled Gellert Grindelwald to gain possession of the Elder Wand. He won that duel, Grindelwald was imprisoned, and Dumbledore kept the wand until his death.

How did Harry Potter get the elder wand?

He takes it from voldemort Dumbledore had been master of the Elder Wand since 1945. When Draco Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore at the top of the Astronomy tower at Hogwarts, before his death, he earned the wand's allegiance (Draco didn't realize this). The wand was then buried with Dumbledore. When Harry was captured by Snatchers in the Deathly Hallows, he wrestled Draco Malfoy's wand from him before Disapparating, and the Elder Wand switched its allegiance to Harry. The next morning, Voldemort broke into Dumbledore's tomb and took the Elder Wand for himself. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry realizes he is the true master of the Elder Wand and in the final battle against Voldemort, he uses Expelliarmus to disarm the Dark Lord. Voldemort's killing curse rebounds on him and kills him, because the Elder Wand cannot kill its true master, Harry.

What type of wand Core does Albus Dumbledore have?

Albus Dumbledore is master of the Elder Wand The Elder Wand's core is Thestral

Which wand should you buy Dumbledores or rons?

I think I would prefer Dumbledore’s wand *the elder wand.* It is known as the most powerful wand in the world and Ron’s is a bit weak.

What is the materials of Dumbledore's wand?

It is merely made out of an elder tree because it's the Elder wand..

Does Harry Potter die in any of his films then come back to life?

In "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", Lord Voldemort threatens Hogwarts that if they do not hand over Harry he and his Death Eaters will kill everyone in Hogwarts. Harry goes to confront Voldemort and is killed. Then he finds himself with Dumbledore at King's Cross Station. Dumbledore tells him to go back. When he is back in the real world, he pretends to be dead until he can kill Voldemort. He uses The Elder Wand to slay him. After that he repairs his wand (it had been broken) with The Elder Wand and then he buried The Elder Wand at Dumbledore's grave.

What wand did Harry Potter defeat Lord Voldemort with?

Harry used the Hawthorn wand that was previously Draco Malfoy's. It went like this:In order to truly own the Elder wand, a wizard would have to take the wand of the current master against their wishes. Albus Dumbledore was the true master of the Elder wand. Draco Malfoy became the next true owner when he disarmed Albus Dumbledore right before his death. However, the Elder wand was buried with Dumbledore. Draco never knew he was the new master. Later, Harry took Draco's Hawthorn wand while he was escaping Malfoy Manor. Since Malfoy was the current master of the Elder wand, this passed the Elder wand's ownership on to Harry. In the meantime, Voldemort broke into Dumbledore's tomb and stole the Elder wand. Voldemort thought that Snape was the new master, as he had killed Dumbledore, not realizing that Draco had disarmed Dumbledore. Voldemort killed Snape and believed himself to be the new Elder wand master. When it came down to the final duel in the Great Hall, Voldemort used the Elder wand that Harry was now master of. Voldemort cast an Avada Kedavra curse at Harry. Harry cast an Expelliarmus spell. Since Harry was the master of the wand Voldemort was using, the Elder Wand would not kill its true master, therefore, Voldemort's Avada Kedavra rebounded off of the Expelliarmus and killed him.

If the wand Draco was holding when harry disarmed him wasnt the elder wand how then does harry become master of the elder wand?

i think it was all planned out by dumbledore! Actually when Draco dis-armed Dumbledore in The half Blood Prince, at the end right before Dumbledore was killed, the elder wand would then work for Draco, Then in the Deathly hallows when Harry dis-armed Draco that allowed him to be able to use the elder wand

Why was Draco Malfoy the master of the Elder wand?

because he is very old Correction: Draco Malfoy was never an owner of the elder wand physically but he was a master of the wand. Near the end of the sixth book, The Half-Blood Prince, when Harry and Dumbledore returned form retrieving a Horcrux in the cave. When they returned to Hogwarts, Madame Rosemerta informed them that the Dark Mark had been conjured over the Astronomy Tower. While Dumbledore was up in the tower he was surrounded by Death Eaters and student Draco Malfoy who was supposed to kill Dumbledore. Draco had dissarmed Dumbledore who was the current owner of the Elder's Wand, by doing this Draco had become a Master of the Elder Wand without his knowledge. Dumbledore was then killed by Snape and the Elder Wand wand was burried with him in his tomb. Later in the series Harry Potter overpowers Draco, becoming the Master of the wand without Voldemort knowing, who had stolen the wand and killed Snape assuming he was the true master when really it was Harry.