Hi, well on yu gi oh cards they have a silver or gold square on the bottom right on the card, this tells you that this card has been produced by the card factorys that make the cards.
Also, it must have a identification code on it on the bottom left of the card. For example, 36586443 is the code for Elemental Recharge. This makes the card to bbe typed into password machines on yu gi oh games.
Finally you need to notice next to the golden or silver square that there is Kazuki Takahashi with a copyright symbol on it. Watch out if it says Kajuri Tarahasei, if it does say this name it is fake.
If you notice if there is no square, no code or it says kajuri tarahasei make sure you swap it back if you traded it with your friend or if you bought it from a pack take it back and get your money back.
Many people are trying to produce fake cards for trading, convincing people that they are real. Yu gi oh have also stated that if anyone has received fake cards and not got a refund or swap back they must be told immediately.
Hi! the creator of YU-GI-OH! created the idea of YU-GI-OH! cards he started making yugioh manga that was all.... but then the mangas idea of yugioh cards was sprang into the creation of the cards aswell as the tv show! Kazuki Takashi is the man who created the cards he does not make all the cards because there is to many his company and crew come up with card designs and names he comes up with them too! :)
First off it`s called yugioh not yigioh second they`re not real they`re just in the show
Yugioh is more complicated and boringly digimon is exciting but, i still don't know why they still show Yugioh TV and not Digimon?
Assuming you don't mean the Japanese original game, then the answer is technically nothing. As the anime changes, the packs have been updated to say GX and 5D's, to show those characters and base the cards around them. But the game itself is the same. A card printed in the first set is exactly the same as cards printed in the latest set. Although you can now summon tuner monsters in 5D's. Something you could not prieviously execute
Yugioh the abridged series is a parody on the real yugioh show. the makers are usually banned for copyright though:P
They wanted to show off newer cards.
Hi! the creator of YU-GI-OH! created the idea of YU-GI-OH! cards he started making yugioh manga that was all.... but then the mangas idea of yugioh cards was sprang into the creation of the cards aswell as the tv show! Kazuki Takashi is the man who created the cards he does not make all the cards because there is to many his company and crew come up with card designs and names he comes up with them too! :)
First off it`s called yugioh not yigioh second they`re not real they`re just in the show
I believe the question is; "Do the Clow Cards have real magic?" The answer is no. They are just pieces of paper that were on an anime TV show.
Yusei has an ever-changing Turbo Deck throughout the anime. To see the complete list of cards used by Yusei during his Turbo Duels, click on the "Related Link".
Pokemon aren't real, they are only in the games, show, cards, etc.
My opinion is that people were giving out because yugioh sacred cards was just too easy so they wanted to show us what happens when gamers complain.
well because Yugi and atem dueled and yugi won.yugioh was my fav tv show. i miss it so do other yugioh fans
Yugioh is more complicated and boringly digimon is exciting but, i still don't know why they still show Yugioh TV and not Digimon?
Some of them already are released, will be released, or never become relased since they were fake and only for the TV show's purposes. If you want to see if a card on the show will be relased, try Googling it or searching for it on the Yugioh Wikia.