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Q: What shoes does Leonardo DiCaprio wear in the movie the departed?
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When did Leonardo da Vinci invent shoes date?

Shoes were invented many thousands of years ago.

Did Leonardo da vinci create shoes that could walk on water?


Will the movie The Christmas Shoes be on TV 2013?

The movie, 'The Christmas Shoes' was on TV in 2013. The movie is a movie that is shown on the Hallmark Channel.

When will the movie Christmas Shoes be on TV?

when will the movie Christmas shoes be on tv in December 2010

What kind of shoes do they wear in holes?

If you are talking about the movie, they were wearing lace-up shoes.

Where can you watch this movie the Christmas shoes?


What is the shoes that Mile was wearing in Hannah Montana the movie?

she was wearing shoes that were specitly ordered from new your

What is wrong with the following sentence you wanted to go to dinner see a movie and shopping for shoes?

It should be: You wanted to go to dinner, see a movie, and shop for shoes.

Were Dorothy's shoes in The Wizard of Oz purple?

No. Dorothy's shoes were silver in the book and ruby red in the movie.

How do you get free shoes that are vip in Movie Star Planet?

Become a vip. Thats how you get free vip shoes.

Is the movie where god left his shoes a true story?

no it is not

The boy running in the movie Hoot is missing what?
