Kate Hudson and Ashton Kutcher never worked on a movie together. You got this from Hannah Montanna, didn't you? I think they were actually referring to 'Just Like Heaven' with Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo.
Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey have starred together in two movies How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and Fools Gold.
As of January 2011, Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson have starred in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) and Fool's Gold (2008).
They starred together in two movies: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) and Fool's Gold (2008).
All movies with Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey: toprater.com/en/movies/objects/filters/actors/hudson-kate,mcconaughey-matthew
Matthew McConaughey was born on November 04, 1969
Matthew McConaughey is in a lot of popular movies including some that are advertising on television today. Some of these movies are Mud, Magic Mike,The Paperboy, Killer Joe, and The Lincoln Lawyer.
time to kill, amistad and lincoln lawyer
Fool's Gold for sure. And some movie I think called Saharra.
Well with all the movies he is in he must make close to about 20 million with 3 movies so probably about 80 million a year.
Matthew McConaughey was born on November 04, 1969
Matthew McConaughey is in a lot of popular movies including some that are advertising on television today. Some of these movies are Mud, Magic Mike,The Paperboy, Killer Joe, and The Lincoln Lawyer.
time to kill, amistad and lincoln lawyer
Fool's Gold for sure. And some movie I think called Saharra.
Well with all the movies he is in he must make close to about 20 million with 3 movies so probably about 80 million a year.
Sam Elliott and Katherine Ross have appeared in three movies together: Conagher, The Legacy and Murder in Texas. They also appeared together in the movie The Shadow Riders.
I 'v list for 2009 movies but not exactly for jimmy Stewart and Katherine ---you can search from below list of movies from hereharry potter and the half blood prince moviethe ugly truth moviefunny people moviea perfect getawaythe hangover movie
my baby sitters a vampire
Katherine Heigl: The Ugly Truth Ashton Kutcher: What Happens in Vegas
Zoey 101,
I think It was 34 or something..