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Air Force One (1997)

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Q: What movie did Harrison Ford say get off my plane?
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Get off your plane Who played President Jim Marshall in Air Force One?

Harrison Ford

Why did Steven Spielberg put aliens in the new Indiana Jones movie?

George Lucas wrote the script to the new Indiana Jones movie. However, Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford signed off on the script.

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The ford mustang was based off of the P-51 mustang fighter plane in World War II

Did Harrison Ford use a staple gun to secure his hat on his head during Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?

After his fedora flew off at the desert scene, Harrison Ford mock stapled the fedora back on his head. The rumors that he did staple the fedora to his head are untrue.

What song was snoop dog playing in the movie soul plane before take-off?

i get high freestyle by Lil Wayne

Which president was afraid to turn off the lights at night?

Benjamin Harrison

Can plane take off in water?

Some plane's are made to take off and land on water

How do you use the word bush plane in a sentence?

the bush plane on the plane were take off

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cartasian plane off the coordinite plane is 2x+3=n that sould be the equations

How much energy did it take for the plane to take off?

Depends on the plane

What plane can take off on water?

the plane name is"komoto juto"

How can you escape from the plane when it crashed?

i jump off the plane before it crash