It doesn't evole at a level, it evolves into Steelix when traded holding a Metal Coat.
The onix you found was a very VERY rare one. It is called a shiny Pokemon and the star represents that it is a shiny Pokemon.
You must Trade Onix while it is holding a Metal Coat in order to Evolve into a Steelix.
Pokemon Shiny Gold is a computer Rom hack of Fire Red an emulation remake of GSC most Pokemon evolve different ways Graveler evolves at level 40 and scyther evolves with a moon stone, i don't know all of them but look around for some more evolutions. By Nicholaszero8 I've played the hack. I KNOW.
Onix evolves into Steelix when it is holding a Metal Coat and traded to someone else.
Pokemon Tower Defense is 1st generation pokemon only, so no fourth generation or second generation evolutions (including Steelix). Therefore, Onix can't evolve.
get the metel coat give it to onix and then trade it
onix has to be traded and be holding metal coat
These Pokemons evolve when the Shiny Stone is used: Togetic, Roselia, Luxio and onix evolve. Togetic evolves into Togekiss, Roselia evolves into Roserade, and onix evolves into steelix. Also, in Pokemon Black you can evolve Minnicino.
In Pokemon Yellow Onix does not evolve, it is a one stage Pokemon.
In order to evolve Onix in Pokemon Crater you must beat Cynthia. After beating Cynthia she will give you the mental coat to evolve Onix.
The onix you found was a very VERY rare one. It is called a shiny Pokemon and the star represents that it is a shiny Pokemon.
Onix doesn't evolve from anything. It evolves into Steelix, but Onix is the base pokemon for that evolution chain. :)
Trade Onix with the steel coat item to evolve it.
To evolve onix you must give it a metal coat then trade it and it will evolve
no you will have to evolve a gold onix but you have to trade the gold onix with the metal coat and it needs to be happy while being traded.
A black Onix is a shiny Pokemon, which is extremely rare.
There is no Pokémon that evolves into Onix.