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Litten evolves into Torracat starting at level 17 and later into Incineroar at level 34.

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Q: What level does Litten evolve in Pokemon Sun and Moon?
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Who are the Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon Starting Pokemon?

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What type is the Pokemon Litten?

Litten is a Fire type, and it was introduced in the Generation 7 games, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon. Its National Pokedex number is 725. The evolution path for Litten is Litten (Fire) >>> Torracat (Fire) >>> Incineroar (Fire-Dark).

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It does not evolve at any level, you have to give it a moon stone.

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Nidorino will evolve when you use a Moon Stone on it.

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It does not evolve at a certain level. Munna evolves when you use a moon stone on it.It evolves into Musharna with a Moon Stone.Munna does not evolve at any level, You have to use a moon stone to evolve it.

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It doesn't evolve at a certain level, it evolves with a moon stone.

What level does nidorino evolve evovle nidorino on Pokemon diamond?

Nidorino doesn't evolve by level it evolves by moon stone