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.38 caliber pistol killed John Lennon

-The Beatles expert

The murder weapon was a five shot Charter Arms Undercover .38 Special. Lennon was shot with five hollow-point rounds at point-blank range. Four of the rounds hit him in the back, killing him almost instantly.


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14y ago
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9y ago

Whether Oswald did the killing is debatable, but JFK was killed by a M91/39, 6.5 X 52 mm bolt action Italian Carcano rifle of the type captured in large numbers from the Italian Army during World War 2, and available by mail order from surplus houses in 1963 for about fifty dollars.

It was called the most inaccurate rifle of ww2. It was an old surplus rifle purchased out of a magazine by Oswald for $12.95. It came with a cheap scope.

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11y ago

John F. Kennedy was assasinated with a bolt action rifle. In particular the 6.5mm Carcano rifle notorious for its poor performance despite relatively high power. The first and second link should provide further details.

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12y ago

charter arms .38 special

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12y ago

A charter arms 38. revolver

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Q: What kind of gun killed John F. Kennedy?
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Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F Kennedy. There may or may not have been others involved in the plot, however, Oswald fired the gun that killed Kennedy.

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John F Kennedy Died November 22,1963 in Dallas,Texas from a gun shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.

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Yes, it did have a scope. He fired 3 shots in 5.6 seconds.

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I believe it was a 22 cal. revolver..................................

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Abraham Lincoln was killed with a single shot muzzle loading Deringer pistol.

How ti die in takers?

He got shot in the back By John. John killed him because he had a gun pointed at Gordon Cozie.

What did John F. Kennedy think of gun control?

No-one really knows, as gun control was not a federal issue at the time. This all changed after his assassination. Following this and the murders of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King in 1968, JFK's successor Lyndon Johnson saw the passing of the 1968 Gun Control Act.

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