The very large rhino-like animal is called a Hammerhead Titanothere. It is a forest herbivore with a bony, "hammerhead" skull. The Na'vi name is angtsìk.
the giant moles.
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Theres was no song it was like a Chinese music thingy.
The fictional moon on which Avatar takes place is called Pandora.
You get the ak47 or m16 or glock and shoot the eagle in the groin
Pandora is the fifth moon of the gas giant "Polyphemus" in the movie avatar.
Goliath is the name of a giant. It would be fine as a name for a big bird.
a bunch of giant smurfs
the giant moles.
The name of the Avatar last Airbender is Aang
they both have the name Avatar in the name.
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Appa is a Sky Bison .
RATAVA'' - (avatar backwords)
With a giant bird.
Dyna Bird :p
Avatar Yangchen