Blackbeard was not an admiral. He was a pirate. His pirate ship (not flagship) was named the Queen Anne's Revenge.
it is unlucky for a woman to be on a ship... but i dnt remember the second one
Elizabeth could not go onto the ship with William because she was living and the ship went where the living could not go. Living humans have previously boarded the ship when Davy Jones was the captain because he was not doing the ships bidding.
in the 4th movie jack sparrow is going to the Bermuda triangle to find the fountain of youth after his first plan to live forever failed. during all of this he's still trying to get his ship back and then theres and some mysterious pirates that get in the way of it all. watch the movie when it comes out to find out more
The name depends on which of the three Pirates of the Caribbean movies you're referring to, and whose ship you want the name to. Below is a list of the names of the ships that appear in all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and whom they belong to.Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black PearlThe Black Pearl - Orignally belonged to Jack Sparrow at one point, but taken over by Captain Barbossa. Ended up in Jack Sparrow's hands at the end of the movieThe HMS Dauntless - A 'ship of the line', it Belongs to the Royal Navy and captained by Captain Lieutenant GilletteThe HMS Interceptor - A brig, which originally was captained by James Norrington. It was eventually stolen by Jack Sparrow and Anamaria, and used to fight The Black Pearl while Barbossa had it.Jolly Mon - A fishing tawler, this boat was taken by Jack Sparrow from Anamaria. It sunk at the beginning of the movie.Princess - A merchant ship, this ship was seen at the beginning of the movie where it was exploded and the young Will Turner was the only survivor.Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's ChestThe Flying Dutchman - A galleon which is captained by Davey JonesThe Black Pearl - The captain of this ship changes many times as well. The Black Pearl goes down with Jack Sparrow in his final scene of this movie.Edinburgh Trader - A merchant ship captained by Captain Bellamy. This ship appears in the movie when Elizabeth Swan boards it as a man, and again when Will boards to flee from the Flying Dutchman. The ship is destroyed by The Flying Dutchman.Turkish Fishing Boat - The first ship destroyed by the Kracken in the second movie, first seen when two sailors receive Jack Sparrow's tricorn hat.Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's EndThe Flying Dutchman - A galleon which was captained by Davy Jones, but was taken over by Will Turner.The Black Pearl - The captain of this ship changes over time from Jack Sparrow, Barbossa, Will, and Captain Sao Feng. The ship is last seen in the hands of Barbossa at the end of the movie.The Empress - A Junk ship, originally captained by Captain Sao Feng. Elizabeth Swan later takes over, when Sao Feng is killed and makes her Captain.HMS Endeavour - A 'ship of the line', this ship is captained by Lord Cutler Beckett. This ship is destoryed at the end of the movie by the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman.Hai Peng - The ship given to Will by Sao Feng to search Davy Jone's Locker for Jack Sparrow. Barbossa ends up as captain, but the ship destroyed when they sail over the great waterfall to the Locker.The rest of the ships in this movie are simply seen, but do not have a name. Including, Beckett's Armada of ships, and the ships belonging to the members of The Brethren Court.
Pirates of the Caribbean Online is, of course, an online game where you can play and chat with other people. You rasie your pirate's level and your weapon's level to become one of the best. You can own your very own ship and name it too! You can also do PVP (Pirate verus Pirate) to test your skills againist other people by your weapons and your ship in Privateering (In Privateering its just French verus Spanish so choose a side and fight them off!!!). I play "Pirates of the Caribbean Online" myself so I know a bit about it.
The Inceptor
in test server but you cannot get there.
The ghost ship is called "The Flying Dutchman"
The Flying Dutchman was a ship that could go under the sea and was filled with cursed sea pirates. The captain of that ship was Captain Davy Jones who died in Pirates of the Caribbean 3.
the ocean
The Black Pearl.
I do not think so, no!
Devils anvil. get in your ship
Yes, Watch The Pirates Of The Caribbean
Twas but the Queen Anne's Revenge.
In Pirates of the Caribbean 1 it was Elizabeth Swann. They were ten years old at the time and she was also the first to spot the shipwreck.
the queen anne revenge(blackbeards ship)