don't let someone put you down because you are perfect the way you are
the moral lesson learnt in Matilda is that no matter how small you are you can make a difference
Matilda is about a girl hwo loves to read but has rude parents because her parents wont let her read. Her dad does not listen to Matilda because when Matilda saw cops there parents did not beleave her and she has powers and a rude princable hwo is good at the hammer throw. The teacher is friendly and at the end the parents let the teacher adopt Matilda i rate it a 5/5
Moral lesson in karaniwang tao
moral lesson in mill on the floss
moral lesson of hungry wolf
The moral lesson of the story is be selfish
the moral lesson that we can get from the story is that we have to be courageous in what situation we may be into..
The moral lesson of it is not to be envy..
Moral lesson in karaniwang tao
moral lesson of dahong palay
moral lesson in mill on the floss
moral lesson in mill on the floss
Elephant and Friends moral lesson
moral lesson of hungry wolf
moral lesson of the commedy of errors
moral lesson of ichabod crane
The lesson in a story is called the moral.
what is the moral lesson of the I am number four
moral lesson of being care giver