Riddell Akua was born on January 26, 1963.
Akua Murphy was born on March 24, 1980, in Brooklyn, New York, USA.
Zhuge Ke was born in 203.
Ke Yan died in 2011.
Xiao Ke died in 2008.
God is love
I am not familiar with the first word "he" but Aloha ke akua is "God is love" in Hawaiian.
Ke akua pu means in Hawaiian - God Be With Us
The translation of "I am a child of God" in Hawaiian is "He keiki au a ke Akua."
"Mahalo Ke Akua" is a common way to express "Thank you, Lord" in Hawaiian.
kala mai ia'u: excuse me mahalo ke akua: thanks be to God
In Hawaiian, "mahalo ke Akua" means "thank God." It is a phrase expressing gratitude and appreciation towards a higher power.
A blessing from God
Mahalo ke Akua in Hawaiian means "thank God" or "praise God." It is an expression of gratitude and appreciation towards a higher power.
Ke Akua pū me ʻoukou
Aloha: 1. Ke aloha o ke Hale Akua [kay aloha o kay ha-lay ahkoo-ah] 2. Ke kalakia o ke Hale Akua [... kala-kee-ah... ]