Pokémon Chaos Black is a game that was hacked for online play using Pokémon FireRed and Pokémon LeafGreen as a basis for the gaming info because there was no 3rd game for the series. The game of Pokémon Chaos Black is not an official game created by GameFreak.
There is on Pokemon Chaos Black game. It is most likely a hack.
theres no such Pokemon their are just tricking you there is no such Pokemon and Pokemon chaos black is a fake
Pokemon chaos black is a hacked version of fire red just do what u do on that game
Pokemon chaos black is not a real Pokemon game its a hacked version created by a nerd so don't trust it. its not real
by escaping
The legendary of Pokemon Black ( Reshiram )
There is on Pokemon Chaos Black game. It is most likely a hack.
theres no such Pokemon their are just tricking you there is no such Pokemon and Pokemon chaos black is a fake
Pokemon Chaos Black is a bootlegged hack of Firered. If you see it being sold, do not buy it.
No, because Chaos Black is not a real game. It is a hack.
you can't; Pokemon Chaos Black is a Chinese-made spinoff of the Pokemon games. You will have to buy the actual cartridge.
Chaos is not a Pokemon in fact Chaos is a character from Sonic xD Directors cut in fact Pokemon Chaos Black is not a real Pokemon game at all
You have to defeat the elite four then you can catch the legendary
No legendary Pokemon in history can breed. GENDER OR NOT!
Zekrom in Pokemon White and Resharim in Pokemon Black.