

Best Answer

1986 (U) Emerald

Action Replay v3


D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5

A86CDBA5 19BA49B3

Anti DMA (Must Be On)

B2809E31 3CEF5320

1C7B3231 B494738C


While walking though door

Press Right Shoulder+A button to

Warp to Birth Island(Deoxys)

03755363 E2A7A2DB

A3985CC3 3E590234

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Here are codes to warp everywhere:
Put this code 82031F84 and then 1 space

Here are the codes to warp (Example of what I say: 82031F84 0100)
0000- Petalburg City 0100- Slateport City 0200- Mauville City 0300- Rustboro City 0400- Fortree City 0500- Lilycove City 0600- Mossdeep City 0700- Sootopolis City 0800- Ever Grande City 0900- Littleroot Town 0A00- Oldale Town 0B00- Dewford Town 0C00- Lavaridge Town 0D00- Fallarbor Town 0E00- Verdanturf Town 0F00- Pacifidlog Town 1000- Route 101 1100- Route 102 1200- Route 103 1300- Route 104 1400- Route 105 1500- Route 106 1600- Route 107 1700- Route 108 1800- Route 109 1900- Route 110 1A00- Route 111 1B00- Route 112 1C00- Route 113 1D00- Route 114 1E00- Route 115 1F00- Route 116 2000- Route 117 2100- Route 118 2200- Route 119 2300- Route 120 2400- Route 121 2500- Route 122 2600- Route 123 2700- Route 124 2800- Route 125 2900- Route 126 2A00- Route 127 2B00- Route 128 2C00- Route 129 2D00- Route 130 2E00- Route 131 2F00- Route 132 3000- Route 133 3100- Route 134 -Bank A- 380A- Roof of Lilycove store -Bank B- 380B- Fishing Guy House In Mossdeep City -Bank C- 380C- House in Sootopolis -Bank D- 380D- Phoebe -Bank E- 380E- Meteor Falls -Bank F- 380F- Fiery Path -Bank 10- 0010- Sydney 0110- Phoebe 0210- Glacia 0310- Drake 0410- Wallace 0A10- Pokemon Center(before E4) 0B10- Hall of Fame -Bank 17- 0017- Safari Zone(catch Pokemon like normal wild battle) -Bank 18- 0018- Meteor Falls 1 0118- Meteor Falls 2 0218- Meteor Falls 3 0318- Meteor Falls 4 0418- Rusturf Tunnel 0518- Underwater (Sootopolis City) 0618- Desert Ruins 0718- Granite Cave 1 0818- Granite Cave 2 0918- Granite Cave 3 0A18- Granite Cave 4(Steven) 0B18- Petalburg Woods 0C18- Mt.Chimney 0D18- Jagged Pass 0E18- Fiery Path 0F18- Mt.Pyre 1(Inside) 1018- Mt.Pyre 2(Inside) 1118- Mt.Pyre 3(Inside) 1218- Mt.Pyre 4(Inside) 1318- Mt.Pyre 5(Inside) 1418- Mt.Pyre Top(Inside) 1518- Mt.Pyre 1(Outside) 1618- Mt.Pyre Top(Outside) 1718- Aqua Hideout 1 1818- Aqua Hideout 2 1918- Aqua Hideout 3 1A18- Underwater(Seafloor Cavern) 1B18- Seafloor Cavern 1 1C18- Seafloor Cavern 2 1D18- Seafloor Cavern 3 1E18- Seafloor Cavern 4 1F18- Seafloor Cavern 5 2018- Seafloor Cavern 6 2118- Seafloor Cavern 7 2218- Seafloor Cavern 8 2318- Seafloor Cavern 9 2418- Seafloor Cavern 10 2518- Cave of Origin 1 2618- Cave of Origin 2 2718- Cave of Origin 3 2818- Cave of Origin 4 2918- Cave of Origin 5 2A18- cave of Origin 6 2B18- Victory Road 1 2C18- Victory Road 2 2D18- Victory Road 3 2E18- Shoal Cave 1 2F18- Shoal Cave 2 3018- Shoal Cave 3(no water) 3118- Shoal Cave 4(no water) 3218- ????? 3318- ????? 3418- New Mauville 1 3518- New Mauville 2 3618- Abandoned Ship 1 3718- Abandoned Ship 2 3818- Abandoned Ship 3 3918- Abandoned Ship 4 3A18- Abandoned Ship 5 3B18- Abandoned Ship 6 3C18- Abandoned Ship 7 3D18- Abandoned Ship 8 3E18- Abandoned Ship 9 3F18- Abandoned Ship 10 4018- Abandoned Ship 11 4118- Abandoned Ship 12 4218- Abandoned Ship 13 4318- Island Cave 4418- Ancient Tomb 4518- Underwater, near Regi 4618- Same as above^ 4718- Entrance of place where you activate Regis 4818- Place where you activate Regis 4918- Cave where you got TM11 Sunny Day 4A18- ????? 4B18- ????? 4C18- ????? 4D18- Sky Pillar 1 4E18- Sky Pillar 2 4F18- Sky Pillar 3 5018- Sky Pillar 4 5118- Sky Pillar 5 5218- Sky Pillar 6 5318- Sky Pillar 7 5418- Sky Pillar 8 5518- Top of Sky Pillar 5618- Magma Hideout 1 5718- Magma Hideout 2 5818- Magma Hideout 3 5918- Magma Hideout 4 5A18- Magma Hideout 5 5B18- Magma Hideout 6 5C18- Magma Hideout 7 5D18- Magma Hideout 8 5E18- Illusion Pillar 1 5F18- Illusion Pillar 2 6018- Illusion Pillar 3 6118- Illusion Pillar 4 6218- Desert Underground Tunnel 6318- Studio Cave 1 6418- Studio Cave 2 -Bank 1A- 0A1A- Southern Island 301A- Building next to Battle Tower in Battle Frontier 321A- Battle Frontier 381A- World's Edge Island (Mew) 391A- World's Edge Island 2 3A1A- Birth Island (Deoxys) 421A- Navel Rock (Lugia) 2986- ISLAND ONE 7894- ISLAND TWO D42S- ISLAND TREE 5452- ISLAND FOUR 01S2- ISLAND FIVE 0124-

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The code to get to birth island is...82031DBC3802. Just enter/leave a room or building etc. and you should be there.(It worked for me I tried it)

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How do you catch on island 8 in Pokemon firered?

Island 8 known as birth island is only available if you have the aurora ticket which was given out at a Nintendo event that happened years ago. If you want to go to birth island the only way to access it now is to use gameshark or action replay.

Can you go to navel rock and birth island on Pokemon pearl?

No, Navel Rock is in FireRed and Leafgreen and Birth Island is in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. These places also need Nintendo Event items in order to get there.

Where is Deoyxs in Pokemon FireRed?

its on birth island

Where to find deoxy's on Pokemon FireRed?

You must get a ticket from a Nintendo Event to go to Birth Island.

How many statues are there in the Pokemon Mansion in Pokemon LeafGreen?

About 16, if you found the hidden cave in the mansion (that leads to Birth Island) about 44. Btw, on Birth Island you can get Lugia and Ho-Oh

Related questions

Can you get the deyoxes in Pokemon emerald?

Yes you can go to birth island or you can get a gameshark

Where to catch Deoxys Pokemon sapphire?

You can catch Deoxys at Birth Island. However, unlike other legendaries in the game, you can't catch it under normal circumstances. You have to use an Action Replay/Gameshark to be able to access Birth Island and catch Deoxys.

How do you go to birth island in Pokemon emerald by codes?

Gameshark code 153SUckAdick

Pokemon emerald where do you touch the stone on birth island?

you cant get to birth island anymore without gameshark. if u hav gameshark, go to birth island and go straight and u will find it. hope this helped! Trevor Boles :]

How do you get to Birth Island in Pokemon?

Getting to Birth Island in PokemonYou need a gameshark or action replay. The only other way is to go to one of there promotionals. You need to go to a Pokemon event to get the aurora ticket. If you download it on a gameshark or action replay it doesn't work.

Pokemon Ruby how to get to birth island?

Birth Island is not available on Pokémon Ruby or Sapphire. You can only go there in Fire Red, Leaf Green, and Emerald.

How do you get Deoxys without going to birth island?

There is a gameshark code for Pokemon Emerald that lets you battle Deoxys anywhere, I think you find it at Otherwise, you need to go to Birth Island.

How do you go birth island in Pokemon emerald?

You have to have an Aurora Ticket, which is only obtainable through a Nintendo Event or a Gameshark code.

How do you catch doexys in Pokemon Sapphire?

Cheat to get the aurora ticket then go to birth island to capture deoxys.

Where to get deoxys?

Pokemon Emerald: Birth Island Pokemon Sapphire: Trade from Pokemon FireRed, LeafGreen, or Emerald. Pokemon Ruby: Trade from Pokemon FireRed, LeafGreen, or Emerald.

How do you catch deoxyis in Pokemon Sapphire?

If you want deoxys in Pokemon sapphire, you need an action replay, or an game shark. Or trade from an emerald game that been to birth island, and has caught deoxys.

What are the gameshark codes for the tickets to birth island faraway island navel rock and southern island in Pokemon emerald?

faraway island: 82SDIU67 RR123ACF Y7VNDJ7U Sorry that is the only 1 i know :