The ticket can be obtained but it doesn't work. You can directly warp there by using this code: Master Code 0000295F000A 101DC9D40007 830050000000 830050020000 Warp to Navel Rock 82031DBC2502 I tested this in FireRed.
first get a gameshark and type this code (for ruby version only) 82025CE40113 then go to the ferry port in lilycove(not slateport) and then type this code in 32026A5E0088 now you will have the Eon ticket and access to southern island and catch island.
Did you show the tickets to the sailor who brought you to the SS Anne if not try that, if it still doesn't work try getting the national dex first or even better yet since you have a gameshark put the warp code in for birth island/navel rock to reach there even faster.
you need the warp code which is 842CB8A9 7F8B0149 this is for navel rock walk in a door to activate
Master code: D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5 A86CDBA5 19BA49B3 Replaces item in PC slot 1 with Mystic Ticket: 1901DDD1 AAD31EAD
to catch ho oh and lugia in fire red you will need the mystic ticket which you can get from a Nintendo event. but if u have code breaker these are two good codes Here's the code to get to the navel rock: 82031DBC 0002 Here's the code to get to the birth island: 82031DBC 3A02
Go to You'll have to register, but they have pretty much everything you'll need code-wise.
You can't. you need an action replay code/gameshark code in order to get to navel rock. master code: Must Be On 9266FA6C97BD 905B5ED35F81 B76A68E5FAB1 Navel Rock(Hold L while entering/exiting.) 19C67C656689 94218B107756
first get a gameshark and type this code (for ruby version only) 82025CE40113 then go to the ferry port in lilycove(not slateport) and then type this code in 32026A5E0088 now you will have the Eon ticket and access to southern island and catch island.
You have to have an Aurora Ticket, which is only obtainable through a Nintendo Event or a Gameshark code.
you must have a gameshark
no, but there is a codebraker code
Gameshark_v3 Naval Rock 82031DBC 2402
The following are the Gameshark codes to unlock islands 8 and 9 in Pokémon Leaf Green. The codes are Navel Rock - 82031dbc 2402Birth Island - 82031dbc 3802.
1. Nintendo gives you a ticket so you can go to Deoxys island. 2. Use Gameshark/Action Replay code.
There is no Celebi Island...
Did you show the tickets to the sailor who brought you to the SS Anne if not try that, if it still doesn't work try getting the national dex first or even better yet since you have a gameshark put the warp code in for birth island/navel rock to reach there even faster.