Easy dont bother using action replay like me its a scam U DO SOMTHING CALLED TRADE!
CHEAT=) get an action replay i got mine for around 20 bucks at a wallmart or target then put the walk anywhere code in it and theres this long strip of water you can ride your bike across then you will see shaymin. or get a code that just gives you shaymin or get the shaymin event code then you will get oaks letter
you can get Shaymin by trading from another game. You get the Garcidia flower in Lacunosa Town.
When You Look At Its Stats It Should Say Obtained in a fateful encounter
Sorry. you can only get sky forme from an event shaymin
you could use the walk anywhere code to go around or through them. other than that i don't know
use a action replay code
If you mean Shaymin, than go to Super Cheats... they have lots of codes!
Shaymin Isnt In HeartGold,You must Go to the Special Event or Get an Item For you can get Shaymin,You may also Trade it At the Global Center.
You can't get Shaymin in Heartgold and/or Soulsilver without cheats.
I think you need a 'fateful encounter' shaymin. To get thisyou need to go onto pokesav and tick the fateful encounter box. I would give you the code but I don't have Pokemon platinum, look on supercheats or somewhere to find a pre-made code.
Yes you can get a Gracidea Flower from the lady in Floaroma Town with a Shaymin that you have received in a trade just as long as it has a fateful encounter flag on it and you can only get a Gracidea Flower in Pokémon Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver.
. I know the code. So I will tell you it!. The code is: 22re469hgu8
you cant catch shaymin is hgss ); sorry. LOL
Go to cheatcodes.com.
u cant jackass
you can only do it on diamond,pearl,and platinum.
No you cannot