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Google ' mystery dungeon wonder mail codes' and about half of them are codes to get joy seeds. Most of the are like Tiny Woods F1, Tiny Woods F2, etc. Good luck!

P.S. It's best to do this when you have few requests on your job list.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

I don't know about that, but you can look for golden seed wonder mail passwords, because just 1 golden seed raises your pokΓ©mon 5 levels.

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Q: What is the easiest way to get joy seeds?
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I hear that cottonee has joy seeds sometimes, she is in the windmill way arbor area. but she rarely has them. But if you talk to the other people that are selling or looking for items, cottonee will eventually offer them.

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buy planting the seeds in your back yard watering them as a normal plant is the easiest way and most natural way to do it.

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well..... this is callum sam thompson! and i can tell you about joy seeds there are many codes and here is one for you I DONT KNOW IT but check cheat planet and there are 13 codes for joy seeds!

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It is impossible.

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you need x10 joy seeds at least and x5 protein and x5 life seeds that way you will have decent lvl (lvl11) and a decent attack and health.

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Just use action replay for 999 rare candies/joy seeds for whatever game you are talking about.

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wonder mail...

Is there a Action replay code for joy seeds in Pokemon time?

no there isn't