A sapphire is one the most precious and valuable blue gemstone as it has excellent color, hardness, luster and durability. Sapphires with a deep blue color and excellent transparency can cost several thousand dollars a carat. A tanzanite is blue with a hint of purple and it consists of calcium aluminium silicate and is not very hard, as it has a value of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale and is only found in the East African state of Tanzania.
i said it is a idiotic ruby or a sneaky Sapphire
Lab created where done quickly and therefore won't have as good a crytal lattice (no look as nice)
Pokemon Ruby has you battle off against Team Magma and Groudon. In Sapphire, you battle off against Team Aqua and Kyogre. There's not really much a difference between the two. Also, the Lati's (Latias and Latios) also depend on the game. For Ruby, it's Latios. For Sapphire, it's Latias.
You can only mix records between Pokemon ruby, sapphire and emerald not leafgreen.
it looks like a rusty blue diamond
Sapphire generally is found to be more expensive than tanzanite. There can be up to a 50 percent difference in pricing.
Tanzanite is typically more expensive than dark blue sapphire due to its rarity and unique color. Tanzanite is found only in Tanzania, while sapphires are available in various colors and locations, leading to a broader range of price points.
tanzanite I relatively a soft gem compared to sapphire or ruby. it measures 7 on Moh's scale.
The gemstone that is similar to neelam (sapphire) is tanzanite. Both neelam and tanzanite have a deep blue color and are considered precious gemstones. However, tanzanite is rarer and more valuable than neelam.
It is not a birthstone. Tanzanite is a transparent violetish blue variety of ziosite. Tanzanite has become the most popular gem stone sold today after the diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald.
Ruby is the birthstone for July, while tanzanite is associated with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Virgos are typically associated with sapphire and peridot as their birthstones.
i said it is a idiotic ruby or a sneaky Sapphire
Rubies Emeralds Topazs Onyxs Amethysts Diamonds Sapphire Amber Tanzanite
Pokemon Ruby has Pokemon that Pokemon Sapphire does not and Pokemon Sapphire has Pokemon that Pokemon Ruby does not.
the pokemon u catch
Diamond is much harder than Sapphire. also the Diamond will be more sparkly.
You can buy a ring mount for a trillion tanzanite at jewelry stores that specialize in custom designs or settings. Look for jewelers who offer custom mounting services or shop online through websites that sell loose gemstones and settings separately. Be sure to provide accurate measurements for the tanzanite so the ring mount fits properly.