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Kirk's safe combination is 5231.

From the episode This Side of Paradise.

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Q: What is the combination to Captain Kirks safe?
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Who was captain kirks luitenant?

I do not believe he had a lieutenant but his yeoman was yeoman rand.

What is Kirks Full Name?

Captain Kirk's full name is James Tiberius Kirk.

What is James t kirks middle name?

Captain James Kirk's middle name is Tiberius.

Who was Captain Kirks helmsman?

AnswerHikaru Sulu, played by George Takei

What film featured captain kirks dog?

captain kirk never had a dog but in the newest star trek series, Enterprise, the captain had a dog, a golden beagle called porthos, who features in a lot of episodes

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Captain Kirk is NOT from Star Wars. He is from Star Trek

How many decks does kirks enterprise have?

kirks enterprise has 7 deck not including the main oporator deck

Did captain kirks dad really die?

The original Captain Kirk still had his father well into adulthood, although he was never seen onscreen. In the new movie, which takes place in an alternate timeline, his father is killed shortly after Kirk's birth.

Where was captain kirks home?

Captain James Tiberius Kirk was born in Iowa (acording to the movie, was bor in Riverside, Iowa) -is this the answer you were looking for?-

How do you find kirks trailer on poptropica?

Enter the studio during the production of a horror film at Kirks big scene. He will get aggravated and go to his trailer. Leave the studio and you will run into a women who will direct you to take a cart and give you directions to Kirks trailer.

Where can you buy discontinued Kirks Folly jewelry?

You can try Ebay. You can also Google Kirks Folly Jewelry & see what other websites come up.