I havnt tested these yet but...
(M) - Emerald
D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5
A86CDBA5 19BA49B3
DMA Disabler
1C7B3231 B494738C
Buy Tickets at PokeMart
Eon Ticket - 2nd shop item
Mystic Ticket - 3rd shop item
CFF34ABF B51248A9
F7E323E2 17A5CCA3
C2D1840A 9F6B65C1
Aurora Ticket - 4th shop item
Old Sea Map - 5th shop item
CFF34ABF B51248A9
8F575F42 9FECD974
1584DFB4 42758518
Island Enablers
Southern Island Event Enabler (DMA)
0D6A02AA B44948BD
Faraway Island & Birth Island Enabler (DMA)
C0443E89 7B97FEC2
0976A51E FE4031B6
Navel Rock Island Enabler (DMA)
4465D861 DF900BE4
Ferry Destinations (needs Enablers and Tickets)
Southern Island & Birth Island (DMA)
404F4203 DEDBC3F7
Faraway Island (DMA)
Navel Rock (DMA)
9C80A76B CA343F37
Battle Frontier (DMA)
30B7D565 49B461B6
AS a bonus I'll add this:
Shiny - Emerald
Moltres, Zaptos, Articunoe, and Mewtwo. Ho-oh and Lugia if you have 2 certain Nintendo Event items, or if you use a Gameshark/Action Replay.
This gameshark code will give you unlimited rare candies in your pc:BFF956FA2F9EC50DThe Code for 999 Rare Candies in Pokemon Emerald is:94000130 fcff0000b21c4d28 00000000b0000004 0000000000000dac 03e70032d2000000 00000000Watch out, this code gives you unlimited rare candies BUT you lose other items in your pcCheck this link(In related links).Go to ign and search code
You can't clone anything unless you use a Gameshark or cheating device.
no no no no no no no
You download stuff for your pokemon games. It could items or actual pokemon.
You can't duplicate items unless you use a gameshark
As far as I know there is no code for key items.
These are event items given out at promotional events. It is also available to people using cheating devices such as a Gameshark.
A Gameshark is a cheating device that is very similar to an Action Replay and a CodeBreaker. GameShark will alter the your Pokemon Emerald Game and its items such as giving you 99 MasterBalls and such as things like that, as well as giving you 9999999 PokeDollars.
sorry to say your out of look i got all event Pokemon but that was ages ago the only way you can get him now ist to get rather an action replay of gameshark you can purchase these items from eBay, game stores from revangar
if you don't live in USA, don't bother about events. Yo're going to have to gameshark your games to get event items etc.
You can't duplicate items in Pokemon. Only if you have the Action Replay or GameShark, then you can.
Celebi HFIF338ID3N38 Jirachi F7739HHD339G
You can only breed pokemon, not items. Items aren't alive!
You can't. Not even with a Gameshark.
Mostly everything about pokemon.Like you can get all the pokemon,unlimited items,1 hit win battles,etc.But one WARNING gamesharks suck because they can corrup your data.I suggest the action replay!!!
Moltres, Zaptos, Articunoe, and Mewtwo. Ho-oh and Lugia if you have 2 certain Nintendo Event items, or if you use a Gameshark/Action Replay.