Taylor Swift'mother' eyes are brown so her eye(Taylor swift)are brown
Her natural eye color is electic blue with a tint of black.
Taylor Lautner's eye color is brown.
Taylor Lautner Has Hazel eyes :D They're hazel, they're a dark green/amber with a significant amount of brown around the pupil (central heterochromia)
A very light blue that it almost seems dark
blue By BabyGirlHannahT the Paris Hilton answers
Daphane's eye color is green
Taylor uses the smokey eye
Yes! In the video, "You Belong With Me," Taylor was really wearing her real glasses. So, she does wear contacts.
sort of like a greenish hazel light brownish thing
Liquid Eyeliner on her top eye lid.
His natural eye color is Blue
She usually wears a Redish Color, Blue, White and sometimes Bronze and Black.Do you wanna know what Taylor Swift's makeup was at the Billboard Awards? Here it is! She wore:The Cranberry Colour from CoverGirl Eye Enhancers 4-Kit Shadow in Blossoms.CoverGirl Liquiline Blast Eyeliner in Black Fire.CoverGirl LashBlast Volume MascaraCoverGirl NatureLuxe Gloss Balm in PeonyHope this helped! x
Taylor swift is amazing! • Her curly hair • Her cat eye makeup • Love of cats • Her flawless style • Being a country girl! :)
His natural eye color is brown.
The name of the song is stay beautiful.
Luke Windsor @ public eye publicity