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Probably 139 to 120 is a normal person's iq.Superman's is probably between that range because he is not really super smart like Batman.Batman's iq is 199 and Albert Einstein's iq 185 and Leonardo da vinci's iq is 210.The kid from Malcolm in the Middle,Malcolm has an iq of 165.

The genius level for iq is 140 or above.



WROOONG!!! The average person's IQ is between 90 - 105! Superman's IQ varies on which version. The RED SON superman's IQ exceeds that of Batman. It all depends on which version. The Earth 12 Superman (from the cartoon series) is probably around 120 which is ABOVE AVERAGE!!



actually the average IQ is 120 as of 2012. And the genius level is 147. and we have to keep in mind that superman is a genetically superior alien, even if hes stupid by kryptonian standards, hes still way smarter than the average human



Actually actually the real average IQ at any point in time ever, without variance, is 100. IQ stands for intelligence quotient. They take your score and put it over the average score, then multiply it by 100. So whether the average score is 10 or 50,000, the average IQ is going to be 100. It's not on a gold standard, it's detached from actual intelligence levels. Which is partially why IQ is so useless - your IQ could be 110 one decade and 96 the next, without you actually getting less intelligent. Also, and this can't be stressed enough, IQ means next to nothing. Garry Kasparov, probably history's greatest Chess player (until Magnus Carlsen hits his prime), has an IQ of something like 130 according to standardized tests, but he can fly through chess combinations faster than Einstein, Newton, and Da Vinci put together. I have a higher IQ than Kasparov. Means nothing. You know who else I have a higher IQ than? Richard Feynman, nobel laureate in physics, whose IQ was 120. If you've ever watched Big Bang Theory and seen all those cool diagrams with the math next to them, those didn't exist until Feynman came along and invented them. Feynman is an undisputed genius. And lastly, saying the "genius level" is 147 is equally foolish. One year I could have an IQ of 160, and the next it could be 130. I didn't score any worse on the test, I didn't get shot in the frontal lobe, I'm no less intelligent, the average score just changed.

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Josiah Crooks

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2y ago
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Wiki User

10y ago

Probably 139 to 120 is a normal person's iq.Superman's is probably between that range because he is not really super smart like Batman.Batman's iq is 199 and Albert Einstein's iq 185 and Leonardo da vinci's iq is 210.The kid from Malcolm in the Middle,Malcolm has an iq of 165.

The genius level for iq is 140 or above.



WROOONG!!! The average person's IQ is between 90 - 105! Superman's IQ varies on which version. The RED SON superman's IQ exceeds that of Batman. It all depends on which version. The Earth 12 Superman (from the cartoon series) is probably around 120 which is ABOVE AVERAGE!!



actually the average IQ is 120 as of 2012. And the genius level is 147. and we have to keep in mind that superman is a genetically superior alien, even if hes stupid by kryptonian standards, hes still way smarter than the average human



Actually actually the real average IQ at any point in time ever, without variance, is 100. IQ stands for intelligence quotient. They take your score and put it over the average score, then multiply it by 100. So whether the average score is 10 or 50,000, the average IQ is going to be 100. It's not on a gold standard, it's detached from actual intelligence levels. Which is partially why IQ is so useless - your IQ could be 110 one decade and 96 the next, without you actually getting less intelligent. Also, and this can't be stressed enough, IQ means next to nothing. Garry Kasparov, probably history's greatest chess player (until Magnus Carlsen hits his prime), has an IQ of something like 130 according to standardized tests, but he can fly through chess combinations faster than Einstein, Newton, and Da Vinci put together. I have a higher IQ than Kasparov. Means nothing. You know who else I have a higher IQ than? Richard Feynman, nobel laureate in physics, whose IQ was 120. If you've ever watched Big Bang Theory and seen all those cool diagrams with the math next to them, those didn't exist until Feynman came along and invented them. Feynman is an undisputed genius. And lastly, saying the "genius level" is 147 is equally foolish. One year I could have an IQ of 160, and the next it could be 130. I didn't score any worse on the test, I didn't get shot in the frontal lobe, I'm no less intelligent, the average score just changed.

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Noah St Clair

Lvl 1
4y ago
Well Batman would still be smarter then Superman because ,  it depends on the version the smartest Superman is Red Son but Batman is God  Of All Knowledge and he is smarter.

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