Scooby Doo's favorite color is typically portrayed as blue. This can be seen in his collar, which is a shade of blue in most iterations of the character. Blue is a common choice for characters in popular media as it is often associated with loyalty, trustworthiness, and stability, qualities that are often attributed to Scooby Doo.
most of the original scooby doos take place in coolsville, ohio.
i olny know scoobydum and scrappy doo not the other one
fred nd yogi k people
Scrappy Cornelius Doo
Scooby Snacks, made at the Scooby Snacks Factory
they are scooby doos mates
most of the original scooby doos take place in coolsville, ohio.
Ruby Doo, Scooby Doo's sister.
i olny know scoobydum and scrappy doo not the other one
fred nd yogi k people
scooby dooby doos nob
Scrappy Cornelius Doo
One behind the mountain, one in the haunted house in the attic, and one by the lake
Scooby Snacks, made at the Scooby Snacks Factory
scooby doo tongues is pink. i think is the right answer