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The book indicates that Christopher Robin is one year older than Pooh. We estimate that Christopher Robin is 5 years old through the first two books. A later book entitled, "Now We Are Six"would indicate that he is now 6. A.A. Milne did not write any adventures taking place after that age, which would therefore mean Christopher Robin is perpetually 6 in literary terms, and generally 5 when observed in most books and movies.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Eeyore the grey gloomy donkey from the beloved children's story, Winnie the pooh. The original Eeyore is reported to be stuffed with sawdust.

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My ballz!

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Is eore from whinnie the pooh a horse or a donkey?

Eeyore is a stuffed toy donkey.

Which are some good Eeyore baby gifts?

Eeyore is a popular character in the Winnie the Pooh series. Some good baby gifts embellished with Eeyore would be baby blankets, outfits, and stuffed animals.

Who was Eeyore in the Winnie the Pooh series?

Eeyore is the donkey in the Winnie-the-Pooh series. He is often depicted as being sad and having a nail in his tail.The character was inspired by the stuffed animals that Christoher Milne had growing up.

Is Eeyore based on a real person?

Eeyore is a donkey in Winnie-The-Pooh. Name is a mispelled variant of the more usual sound track- Hee-Haw for the Bray of a mule or donkey. Not based on a human, though there are jackasses aplenty.

Are Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore dead?

No, the fictional characters Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore were not based on real animals. They were based on stuffed animals owned by the author's son, Christopher Robin. The author, A.A. Milne, passed away on January 31st, 1956. His son passed away on April 20th, 1996.

What is the name of winnie the poohs donkey friend?

Eeyore is the donkey's name in Winnie The Pooh.

Is Eeyore a hobo?

No, Eeyore is a burro.

Is eeyore a spaz?

NO. Eeyore is chronically depressed.

In gloomy palace which friends pooh lives there?

he is not gloomy but he is called Eeyore

How do you say baby Eeyore in spanish?

Bebe Igor (baby eeyore) Pequeño Igor (little eeyore)

Eeyore is the world's most popular?

eeyore is a phat donkey

What is Eeyore's favorite treat?

Eeyore is known to eat thistles.