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Q: What is Calvin's gift from Mrs whatsit?
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What gifts do mrs whatsit mrs who and mrs which give Meg when she is going to return to Camazotz?

Mrs. Whatsit gives Meg her love, Mrs. Who gives her the gift of her glasses, which Meg can now see through, and Mrs. Which gives her the gift of her own faults.

What gift did Mrs whatsit give to the children in A Wrinkle in Time?

Mrs Who gives Meg her eyeglasses. She "gives" Charles Wallace a quotation from Goethe and Calvin a quotation from Shakespeare. Mrs. Whatsit "gives" each of the children an enhancement of their own natural gifts: Meg's faults, Charles Wallace's resilience and Calvin's ability to communicate with others. Mrs. Which simple tells the children to go down to the town and stay together.

What did Mrs Whatsit do as a star?

Mrs. Whatsit Battled The Black Thing, Then Exploded And Plummeted to Earth. L'Engele Has Not Revealed Anything Else.

What did Mrs. whatsit claim to sprain after she fell over in her chair?

Mrs. Whatsit claimed to have sprained her dignity after she fell over in her chair.

Why does Meg feel that Mrs Which and Mrs Whatsit have betrayed her?


Who was in Mrs.Murray's laboratory In A Wrinkle in Time?

Its Mrs. Murry, and it was Mrs. Whatsit

What was the three W's planet called in A Wrinkle in Time?

mrs which, mrs whatsit, and mrs. who

What happened to Mrs Whatsit Mrs Who and Mrs Which at the end of Wrinkle in Time?

Nobody really knows what happen to them

Into what creature did mrs whatsit turn into from the book wri?


Where and why do Calvin Charles Wallace and Meg go with Mrs. Whatsit Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which?

They are going to camazotz to find their father

Where and why do Calvin Charles Wallace and meg go with mrs whatsit mrs who and mrs which?

They are going to camazotz to find their father

In the book wrinkle in time is Mrs Whatsit a unicorn?

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