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Duncan and Isadora escape with Hector in his self sustaining hot air balloon and Quigley is said to have joined them later.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

get swallowed by the great unknown

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Q: What happened to the quagmire triplets?
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Where are the Quagmire triplets?


Does the quagmire triplets re unite?

Yes they did.

Are the quagmire triplets real?

god you really don't know wow

Will the Quagmire Triplets be seen in the thirteenth book of Series of Unfortunate Events?


How old is isadora quagmire?

The quagmire triplets r the same age as Klaus. Klaus turned 14 in the 'Vile Village when the Bulilares were trapped in jail.

Are the Quagmire triplets fictional carecters?

No, they are not. I am Klaus Baudelaire and I know very well that they are real people.

Is quagmire really the quagmire triplets last name?

yes it is they last name. at least that's what is said in the book and we have done some research and so far we haven't found out anything about quagmire not being the triplet's real name.

What Happened To The Quagmires A Series Of Unfortunate Events?

After escaping with Hector in the air, the Baudelaire orphans go to a great deal of trouble to find them. Mean while, up in the air, the Quagmire triplets, Duncan and Isadora are attacked by VFD crows which took out the balloons supporting them. As a result they were taken down to the vast unknown, making the Quagmire triplets a mystery. It is possible that Duncan and Isadora and could be dead. Also, there's a possibility that their estate,The Quagmire Sapphires, along with the fortune, will be destroyed forever and forgotten.Yes the Quagmires are triplets but Duncan and Isadora's brother, Quigley died in a fire along with the Quagmire parents.

What did the baudelaires not find in the room under the tree trunk?

The Baudelaires did not find the Quagmire triplets in the room under the tree trunk. Instead, they found a tunnel leading to the Quagmire mansion.

Who Quagmire?

A Series of Unfortunate EventsQuagmire is the surname of the Quagmire triplets, owners of the famous Quagmire Sapphires, which Olaf wants. Quigley was separated from his siblings in the fire which destroyed his home, and is found in book 10, the Slippery Slope, but is lost by book 11. The triplets are: Duncan, Isadora, and Quigley.Family GuyGlenn Quagmire is a neighbor of the Griffiths, known for his preoccupation with sex and for some deviant, illegal, or unsavory practices in that regard. He is often depicted as naked or engaged in promiscuous sexual relationships. He is known for his catch phrase "giggety."

Does the Baudelaire orphans save the quagmire triplets?

no they do not the quagmires may have been saved or killed by "The Great Unknown"

What is a quagmire?

A quagmire is literally a bog, swamp, or marshy area that is potentially dangerous (i.e one could become trapped or mired).The word is used colloquially for a situation from which it is difficult to escape or extricate oneself."The office was a quagmire of interviews and paperwork.""For the Soviets, the war in Afghanistan was a quagmire."