July 22nd 2003
His birthday is on July 30
Her birthday is on the 7th of july
Fern Persons was born on July 27, 1910, in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Fern Persons died on July 22, 2012, in Littleton, Colorado, USA.
His birthday is 22nd July 1965.
July 22nd 1996
Selena's Birthday Month is July :) She was born July 22nd :)
Summer Terry's birthday is on July 22nd.
Her birthday is on the 22nd of July [born: 1992]
You were born in 1995.
Yes, it is. Selena Gomez was born on July 22nd 1992.
July 22nd, 1996.
In 2011, Justin Bieber has been dating singer Selena Gomez, whose birthday is July 22nd.
Selena Gomez was born on 22nd July 1992.
His birthday is July 22nd, 1961, so he is 48 years old.
July 22nd, 1992. She was born in Texas.