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The evidence against OJ Simpson was overwhelming, both DNA and other physical and circumstantial. I will list just a few for lack of space.

-victims' blood inside OJ Simpson's white Bronco in various places.

-glove with victims blood outside OJ Simpson's house on Rockingham.

-OJ Simpson's DNA at crime scene

-sock with victim's blood at OJS's residence on Rockingham

-bloody knife found buried in empty lot in Chicago next to OJS's hotel room where he flew to on the night of the murders.

-bloody footprints at crime scene found to be made by expensive Italian designer in same size OJS wears. When claimed he didn't own any of these shoes they were found after a serach warrent was obtained and a search of the house on Rockingham was conducted.

-cuts on OJS's hands, claimed he cut it on a glass.

-eluded police when he knew arrest was immenent, chase in white Bronco, had guns, --sum of money, threatened to commit suicide.

-confessed to cellmate while being held at jail after arrest.

-OJS had a history of violence against his ex-wife

Like I said, these are just a few of the many pieces of evidence that were presented at the criminal trial. As you can see, the evidence is overwhelming against Mr. Simpson.

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11y ago

The physical and circumstantial evidence in the Simpson murder case was overwhelming. DNA, blood, footprints, fibers, ect. All of this evidence pointed directly at Simpson. How the jury could have voted for aquittal defies logic.

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