In the Bleach anime series, Ichigo Kurosaki never actually transforms into a Vasto Lorde. Vasto Lorde is a specific classification of Menos Grande, which are a type of Hollow. Ichigo does achieve a new transformation called "Fullbring Bankai" during the Fullbring arc in the manga, but this transformation is not classified as a Vasto Lorde.
Episode 47: The Avengers
episode 116 part 2/3
The episode is 41 -- Part 1.
235 I believe
Ichigo first uses his Bankai in episode 29 of Bleach, titled "The 2nd Division Sorties! Ichigo is Surrounded."
Ichigo is the only soul reaper with a compressed bankai.
you hold the J and K key an you have bankai ichigo and nine-tailed fox naruto
Kurosaki Ichigo learns Bankai in the Soul Society Arc. To be more specific, he officially gets his Bankai in episode 54.
There are a number of Bankai characters in the animated show Bleach. Some of them are Ichigo Kurosaki, Renji Abarai, Sajin Komamura and Toshiro Hitsugaya.
Try They carry lots of Bleach costumes.
Shikai (First Release): Episode 20 Bankai (Final Release): Episode 58
hold w and and j only works for ichigo naruto.
Episode 271
In Episode 189 of the anime BLEACH, Ichigo fights against Amagi Shusuke. Amagi has a Bakkouto, a weapon which seals the powers of Soul Reapers, and also a Bankai by the name Raika Gouenkaku. Hollowfield counterattacks with his Getsugatensho.
123 and 124 I believe
Matsumoto from bleach hasn't showed her bankai yet, but she probably don't have Any yet. In the anime its only all the captain's but not Zaraki, Aberai Renji, Ikkaku Madarame, Kisuke Urahara, Aizen Sosuske, Ichimaru Gin, Kaname Tosen, Vizart and Kuroski Ichigo who have a bankai yet.