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Season 2 - Episode 19 - The Guru

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Q: What episode did toph learn metal bending?
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Can earthbenders bend metal?

As far as we know, Toph was the first and only earthbender to achieve metal bending.

Avatar legends character code?

Aang:seventh chakra Katara:painted lady Toph: metal bending Zuko: breath of fire

What episode does toph and Zuko are alone?

In the cartoon the time i see toph and zuko alone is in the last episode

How do you unlock aang in avatar legends of the arena?

well i unlocked toph by tiping: metal bending To unlock aang just use: seventh chakra

How do you unlock metal bending avatar legends of the arena?

There is no metal Bending but First Login then go to Play online or training finally Press Secret code Type metal bending And you will get Toph if you also want Aang then type seventh Chakra if you also want Katara then type painted lady and finally if you want zuko then type breath of fire.

The codes for avatar legends aang zuko Katara toph and coins?

aang: seventh chakra katara: painted lady zuko: breath of fire toph: metal bending coins:dragon,dragon dance,mother,mouth,gondola,western air temple, boomerang

How do you create more than one character on avatar legends of the arena?

You can get some codes that unlock toph,Aang, Katara, and Zuko for toph it is metal bending, Aang it is seventh chakra, katara it is painted lady, and for zuko it's breath of fire hope it helped :)

What episode does toph scam?

The Runaway in chapter 3.

What episode of Avatar does Aang meet Toph?

Aang meets Toph Beifong in the second season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, in the episode titled "The Blind Bandit." This episode is the sixth episode of Book Two: Earth. Toph is introduced as a skilled earthbender who becomes Aang's earthbending teacher and a key member of Team Avatar.

What episode does Katara and toph were all that makeup in the market place and girl get toph mad?

Tales of Ba Sing Se

How can you get all the bending moves on avatar legends of the arena?

You must get to lvl 50 or over 30. If the second choice is done then you will have to win ten games in a row repeatedly until you have them all. If you choose the first choice do the same thing and when you have all the moves you will also have Aang, Sokka, Zuko, and Toph! no no the ones that u have r all but they get stronger and stuff and to unlock aang,zuko,toph and katara there are some codes: aang : seventh chakra zuko : breath of fire toph : metal bending katara : painted lady

What are secret code for avatar legend?

boomerang,mother,painted lady, breath of fire,dragon,dragon dance,metal bending, Seventh chakra - breath of fire (unlocks zuko) - painted lady (unlocks katara) - metal bending (unlocks toph) - seventh chakra (unlocks aang) bye :) KatAang (they LOVE eachother) awww.