like yaoi? there are a few yaoi out there worth watching : gravitation set the standard imho but not sure if u'd class it emo but loveless might suit it can be classed as shota but its more shonen ai (meaning no x scenes )
hes not emo. but he is gay. sorry bout that hes just has this fudgin SICK style that makes him look AWESOME(:<#
Sukisho might be what you are looking for.
"emo is bullsh**"
No.He is not. And you don't say an/a emo,its just 'Is he emo?'. Emo is a way to describe people, not a type of race,religion, type of person,or anything.
Emo of Friesland died in 1237.
Shikamaru, a character from the Naruto series, is not explicitly described as gay or emo in the anime or manga. His personality is portrayed as laid-back, intelligent, and strategic, focusing more on his responsibilities as a shinobi rather than his sexuality or style.
no she is 1 of my best friends she is emo ! yeh u right she an emo NOT GAY !!!
Not all emos are gay, i'm emo and most of my friends are emo and none of us are gay
not really. People likes things that are weird, too. I don't think not just u like to draw emo anime.
Of course. But don't be emo. This goes to the emo ppl. Nothing against them. But labels are gay.
Zetsu is an anime character from the popular manga/anime Naruto. And no. He isn't gay.
No it isnt. Some emos are emo because they just want to be different. Some emos are emo because they feel a certain way. Some emos are gay but that doesnt mean they are all gay.
None emo is gay bro. Get a life.
Because Travis is gay.
Not necessarily, depends mostly on what is being watched specifically but if it's anime (the popular ones I'd say) as a whole then no.
its the coolest anime for emo people and just a little romance
because hes gay and sucks dick