It means that you take off all of your clothes and then RUN!!! Typically in a public place. Its a crazy thing to do!
No. Miranda cosgrove did not go to jail. If she did, there would be no new Icarly episodes.
i dont think nathan kress would ever go to greece he lives in calafornia and hes a celb
Probably not. Josh Hutcherson has a girlfriend, Spanish actress Claudia Traisac.
if i ever become an actress OR if i go to an interview about her, or a concert if she ever made one.
no its legal to go streaking
People go streaking for a number of factors. There are those who go streaking because they are protesting while there are those who go streaking to adventure or to show off.
public nudity.
Go to your wardrobe you'll need a one peice bathing suit(which can be bought from Impressions i think)put it on, then take it off, you should be completely naked now. then just go outside. you should then be prompted to start the streaking diversion.
yes, but only if you go streaking in the middle of your city
People may streak in the nude for a variety of reasons. Some do it for a thrill or to challenge social norms, while others may do it as a form of protest or to draw attention to a cause. Additionally, streaking can be a way for individuals to experience a sense of liberation or to simply have fun and make others laugh or feel entertained.
if you mean go out as in on a date then no.
First take of your clothes, exposing balls. Then run around crazy. I love to do it. It rocks!!!!
Do what ever you want to do.
Go to your wardrobe and go to 'outfits' then choose remove all outfits. You can now go around streaking, there is even a mingame.
Capture me and go streaking in New Mexico. And be sure to pin the tail on the donkey.
yes he would