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It raises the power of your current selected move( the move that you use when you press L + A ) while in a dungeon. Be sure to check what the move will be powered up before consuming a Ginseng!

Also, Ginseng only works on the leader, so don't waste one on a partner.

The number beside the move will indicate how much it has been powered up.


Flamethrower + 1

This indicates that Flamethrower has been powered up once.

Note that sometimes, if you're lucky, a Ginseng will power the move by more than 1. If so, the game will notify you.(2 person)i am a machamp level 75 and a started as a mochomp. my moves were good, but not good enough. i had 12 ginseng but i didn't know it olny works on set moves. i used 1 on a linked move, 1 on vacum-cut and 1 without a set move. i had 1 grimy ginseng so i had 8 ginseng left. i used them all on dig. i got 2 lucky's and now it is is my moves before and after the ginseng and the damage results are average.KEY:(C)----------changed,as in forgot this move and learnt anew move.(N)----------now.(U)----------untouched.(L1/2)-------linked with...( move 1/2).[ ]-------if linked with a move,this will show totaldamage of all moves linked to each other.before:dig 180 damage. miss all attacks for 1 turn. (U)brick break 120 damage. even if foe is used protect. (U)focus energy ____damage. powers up next move. (L1)(U)low kick 140 damage. [with (L1), 280 damage](L1)(U)after :dig+12 560 damage. miss all attacks for 1 turn. (N)vacum-cut 35 damage on all foes in the room. (C)focus energy ____damage. powers up next move. (L1)(U)low kick 140 damage. [with (L1), 280 damage](L1)(U)here are some notes:you can't use ginseng on linked moves.try unlinking the moves,use ginseng on the moves,then relink.make sure the move is set.have plenty of ginseng.have good moves.the Pokemon you want to upgrade has to be the leader.ginseng won't work on partners directly.don't use ginseng if you are about to learn a new move.lucky's are 1 extra ginseng on the same problems:i don't know if you lose the upgrades if you switch leaders.i don't know if you can do the unlink,upgrade & relink idea.where can you find them. i have them cause i used GameShark.

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