If you jynch someone they cant speak until someone says their name 3 times..:)
If you mean someone's PC, someone will eventually turn into the name BEBE'S PC Hope I helped :)
I like the name jace for a boy but i also like the different spellin too cuz evan if someone he has the same name as someone mean it different maybe cuz the spellin
Bambi's mate Faline. Today's Times crossword asks for a Disney doe, three letters?
No, they are not. Remember, if your last name is the same as someone else's... it doesn't mean you are related.
If someone get Tessera for their family, Their name is put into the reaping more times.
Nothing - I wouldn't read too much into it.
During intercourse it means he is highly enjoying you sexually and says the names as a mean of expressing his pleasure.
That you're dreaming about him. Next question! :D
The way to summon Beetlejuice is to say his name three times: "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!"
What does the name triceratops mean?The name triceratops means three-horned face.because tri means three and he has three hornson his face.
It usually means that you are thinking of that person. Wether you are aware of it or not.
I need someone to answer this for me not me answer people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well it can mean two things he likes you or he knows someone who likes you.
australia, antarctica,albania,
It means you have diarrhea until the person says your name 3 times