it mens that it is rare but if it has a dimond than its a uncommon and if it has a circle than its common
if it has a star at the bottom corner then yes it is
Any symbol in the bottom right corner that is a shape like a square, circle, triangle, etc. means that your card is just common. A black or white star in the corner mean that it is rare. A reflective silver star means that it is ultra rare.
Shows how much you have done in your adventure.
use the stylust and go to the top star on the radio.
you look at the bottom right corner and if it has a circle its common, if it has a dimond its 50 rare and 50 not. if it has a black star its rare, silver star rare RARE, and gold star RARE RARE RARE! also if they are a lv ex thy are rare
it mens it is rar
The white star at the bottom of a Pokemon card indicates that the card is a rare card. These cards typically have more unique artwork, different holofoil patterns, or alternate versions of Pokemon compared to common cards.
'Rare' cards are demarked by a star symbol at the bottom of the card. Common cards have a circle, uncommons have a diamond.
The card will have a star on the side that says promo in it
The easiest way to get your first star on your Trainer Card is to beat the Elite four at least once.
if it has a star at the bottom corner then yes it is
if you mean star pokemon, giratina
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there is a rarity symbol at the bottom right corner, a black star(or white on dark and dragon types) means rare
Any symbol in the bottom right corner that is a shape like a square, circle, triangle, etc. means that your card is just common. A black or white star in the corner mean that it is rare. A reflective silver star means that it is ultra rare. RARE...............................................UnCoMmOn.......................common
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