It stands for a lot of things, like the Verdant Flammable Device, Village of Fowl Devotees, Valley of Four Drafts, Vertical Flame Diversion, Verbal Fridge Dialogue, Very Fresh Dill, Vernacular Fastened Door, and others. But Count Olaf used to be in the secret VFD, Volunteer Fire Department.
Throughout the series starting around book four or five, they begin mentioning VFD. Ever since they began talking about it, there have been numerous things popping up in the books that VFD could stand for. Volunteer Fire Department was one of them, but there are many more. Such as in book number eight, VFD stands for Volunteers Fighting Disease. So as you can see, VFD has many meanings and Lemony Snicket never makes it clear what it really means or what it does.
Well, in some reports, V.F.D stands for Very Fine Dramaists, which was never metioned in any of the series, but it states that Count Olaf said that's what it stands for, because of his Terrible Troupe. Also, in book 6, it stands for Very Fancy Doilies.
V.F.D. stands for Volunteer Fire Department, amazing choice of books by the way. Lemony Snicket is an amazing author! :) Yes i beleive it does but it stands for many words.
but the real meaning of the initials V.F.D. stand for
Violet Finds Doey
Im not sure about the spelling of doey but u might notice by its pronownciation well i hope u liked what i think. >:)
Volunteer Fire Department, although they use the acronym to mean many different things
They always look for things that have V.F.D because that helps them solve things.
volunteer fire department . Or it could have been Volunteers fighting Diseases from book 8 which wasn't quite right. Or also it could have been Village of Fowl Devotees from book 7 which wasn't quite right either. What do you think it stands for?
Anything could be true. The Series of Unfortunate Events are all true (trust me) and the members of the V.F.D. say that the V.F.D. stands for "Volunteer Fire Departments" but the members only know what V.F.D. really means. It could mean Valid Fortune Discovering, and Count Olaf is one of the members figuring out different kids with different fortunes. Anything is possible. Beware, and I tell you, do some research on Beatrice Baudelaire. Oh, and also, Lemony Snicket.
I'm pretty sure that The first word of it is Volunteer. It says it in the series a lot.
Also, practically anything involved with the organization will have the initials V.F.D., but its main name is Volunteer Fire Department.
A lot of things. VFD could be Volunteer Fire Department. Most VFD members have a tattoo of an eye on their left ankle, which means Count Olaf was once a member. But obviously he quit and started a villain's ways.
This was because VFD went under a schism and was divded into volunteers and villains. Villains set fire to VFD safe places while the VFD members tried to gather their information with meetings at the safe places. Hotel Denouement was the last safe place but was burned down by the Baudelaires and Count Olaf, due to Sunny Baudelaire suggesting the burning.
in The Series of Unfortunate Events V.F.D. stands for Very Fancy Doilies in book six, and Village of Fowl Devotees in book 7, but it really stands for Volunteer Fire Department and Villains Fire Department.
count olaf started the fire @ the baudelaire mansion
The vfd is the volunteer fire department, its the mysterious group that lemony snicket, the baudledaire parents, mr.poe, ect, where in. The set out /fires/.
You can't really. Most of the mysteries raised in the book were never solved in the series. The autobiography is said to give a lot of detail though so I would suggest that.
he was and still is, sort of. he is with the part that split off and started fires instead of stopping them. the vfd is vollenter fire department
VFD, if you mean a series of unfortunate events mean, Volunteer Fire Department. And basically everything linked to it has the initials VFD.
in The Series of Unfortunate Events V.F.D. stands for Very Fancy Doilies in book six, and Village of Fowl Devotees in book 7, but it really stands for Volunteer Fire Department and Villains Fire Department.
count olaf started the fire @ the baudelaire mansion
At the end of the "A Series of Unfortunate Events" series by Lemony Snicket, the Baudelaire orphans finally uncover the secrets of VFD, defeat Count Olaf, and find some resolution. The series concludes with the orphans realizing that life is filled with both fortunate and unfortunate events, but they choose to face them together.
The vfd is the volunteer fire department, its the mysterious group that lemony snicket, the baudledaire parents, mr.poe, ect, where in. The set out /fires/.
You can't really. Most of the mysteries raised in the book were never solved in the series. The autobiography is said to give a lot of detail though so I would suggest that.
he was and still is, sort of. he is with the part that split off and started fires instead of stopping them. the vfd is vollenter fire department
Volunteer Fire Department
No, just unlockables, as far as I know. You must find all the puzzle pieces and VFD packages. Try looking at select walkthroughs to help you locate these in each level.
It's called His "common place book" he didn't get it till he met Duncan Quimire. Most membe rs of VFD keep a common place book
In the 12th book, The Hotel Denoument, Dewey Denoument states that to unlock the VFD lock to the laundry room, one of the answers was that how Count Olaf became an orphan. When they were unlocking it Count Olaf said "poison darts". So I believe that that's mostly what i can say.
In Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unfortunate Events," VFD stands for Volunteer Fire Department. It is a secret organization that plays a key role in the series, with various members working together to protect the innocent and combat evil forces.