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Sometimes it is called cos play.

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Q: What do you call people wearing cartoon character costumes?
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Why do we wear costumes?

Old folklore states that people started wearing Halloween costumes because it scared the evil spirits away. Now, people wear costumes for fun.

Do you have to wear a costume to a comic-con?

not necessarily. Most people will be wearing their fav manga/anime/cartoon character, but there'll be plenty of people just wearing nerdy t-shirts and jeans or just regular clothes, so no worries :)

Why do we wear Halloween costumes?

Old folklore states that people started wearing Halloween costumes because it scared the evil spirits away. Now, people wear costumes for fun.

Where can one find videos of scary people in Halloween costumes?

One can find videos of scary people in Halloween costumes on the website YouTube. The sites has tons of videos of people wearing scary videos and even tutorials on how to make the costumes.

What is the most common reaction people have when they see a character in a cartoon with their eyes bulging out?

The most common reaction people have when they see a character in a cartoon with their eyes bulging out is surprise or shock.

Why do we wear costume on Halloween?

Old folklore states that people started wearing Halloween costumes because it scared the evil spirits away. Now, people wear costumes for fun.

Who is the prettiest cartoon character?

according to many people,Jessica Rabbit.

What were the most popular costumes for Halloween in 2011?

most people were wearing mask and the most popular thing was a princess

Is it possible to make friends with a cartoon character?

No, because cartoon characters aren't real. They are just animations made for people's pleasure.

How many costumers does Disneyland get a day?

If by "costumers" you mean "people who work for Disney and make costumes" I have no idea. If you mean "people who wear costumes to the park but are not otherwise affiliated with Disney" ... not that many, on a percentage basis; adults are officially not allowed to wear "costumes", though you can get away with wearing something that's more or less regular clothing but SUGGESTS a character (for example, brown pants and a red shirt are all it takes to get me pretty close to Doc the dwarf).

How can you travel to the cartoon world?

Cartoons are drawn pictures and not real. You can not go into a cartoon.

Why do people dress in costumes at carnival?

Wearing costumes is a traditions for Mardi Gras. They are worn anytime. People also wear masks on Mardi Gras. Masks are worn during the parade and sometimes during the Mardi Gras ball.