suck it son, their blue in ghostrider and family man; however when not in movies he does not actually have a true eye pigment color except black - he has an eye condition that is in less than 2% of the population, which causes his eye color to fluctuate with the various lighting conditions - it is similar to the vampires in the movie twilight
suck it son, Nicolas cage eye's are blue in ghostrider and family man; however, when not in movies, there is no true pigment to his eyes - he has an eye condition (reteno-macular degeneration in the iris) that occurs in less that 2% of the population which causes his eye color to fluctuate with the various lighting conditions that he is subjected to - it is similar to the vampires in the movie twilight. I know this because I am Nicolas cage's cousin - so don't question me son!
The actor Nicholas Cage has blue eyes. This American actor was born in 1964 and has starred in many movies. He received an Academy award in 1995 for his performance in "Leaving Las Vegas."
they look dark in some films such as scarface but they are green, and brown in the middle. special ones aren't they!? Al Pacino has Hazel Eyes. They are pretty cool eyes though.
Al and Sonny
Al Pacino has 3 children
Al pacino is still alive, He was born in 1940.
mr. pacino is brilliant
Black is his favorite color
they look dark in some films such as scarface but they are green, and brown in the middle. special ones aren't they!? Al Pacino has Hazel Eyes. They are pretty cool eyes though.
Al Pacino.Al Pacino
Al Pacino is a/an Actor,filmmaker
Al Pacino
Yes, Al Pacino has 3 kids.
Al Pacino has 3 children
Al and Sonny
Al Pacino was born Alfredo James Pacino on April 25, 1940.
Al Pacino was born on April 25, 1940.
Al pacino is still alive, He was born in 1940.
Al Pacino has 3 children