Different Sonic games have different cheats. If you are refering to Sonic the Hedgehog for Mega Drive, there is a level select cheat but it differs in control depending on which version you play. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) for Xbox360 and PlayStation 3 has no cheats, other than shortcuts and multiple glitches that can be abused.
None what-so-ever!
Gemerl? Who is that? Emerl was in Sonic X, who is gemerl?
No. Sonic X Ended.
There is no cheat menu.
this is the cheat code for sonic x's online 901648113
sonic games never have cheats trust me
cheats for final fantasy sonic x5
There are no cheats!
There are no cheats!
There are many cheats in Sonic Snowboard. Be diligent to search for it in the internet.
There are no cheats!
if you want the cheats type it up on the computer "is there any sonic and the black knight cheats" and then you'll figure out
It's Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games. And there are no cheats for the game.
i don't nothere are no cheats for sonic riders... well not yet at least...