There are quite a lot in the Music industry such as: Jay z..Beyonce...Rihanna...ChrisBrown...Neyo...Mariah Carey...Lady Gaga...Miley Cyrus..Jonas brothers well Disney Channel put together...Avril lavigne...Paramore...Gwen Stefani..Usher...Justin Timberlake...Justin Bieber...Lil Wayne..Drake...Loyd..T.I...N-Dubz...and a lot more youtube avril lavine freemason and there should be a video on celebrities exposed x
This is blatantly untrue.
Christians like to assume that the film and music industries, being the (supposed) seat of decadence and moral corruption must be populated by only the most wicked, despicable and depraved of Satan's most dedicated followers. This just isn't true. Most of the people are just like you and me, though... once they start making a lot of money, they due tend to get self-centerd and sometimes downright cruel. But 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% do not worship the Devil.
There are a VERY small handfull or performers who could meet even a LOOSE definition of being satanic, due to the themes they express (ie Cradle of Filth, Marilyn Manson, etc) and in fact can be absolutely against Christianity. But that doesn't mean they worship the Devil instead. Many of them are atheists, agnostics or possibly pagans and don't even believe in a devil. Of the infinitely small percent of performers (actors or musicians) who actually believe in, and worship, "The Devil", almost all of them are members of European death metal bands and chances are very good you've never heard of a single one of them (they don't get much airplay in the U.S)
No not all celebs are into devil worship. Some people may think that they must have sold their souls to the devil to get where they are but many are just lucky catching a break that got their talent recognized and many were smart with investments. These days many new celebs are getting alot of recognition and being found by other celebs and being brought out into the limelight simply because of their talent.
In music:
Beyonce, Jay-Z, Tupac, Rhianna "AKA 'Queen of the Illuminati'", Katy Perry, Bob Dylan, Eminem, (P.) Diddy, Kanye West, Ke$ha, Miley Cyrus, John Mayer, Nickelback, the Insane Clown Posse, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, and Drake.
Contrary to popular belief, Justin Bieber has NOT. He's merely a product manufactured by the music industry to make money. A "pawn," if you will. Same thing applies for Lady Gaga ad Taylor Swift.
In Hollywood:
Will Smith, Jennifer Lopez, Katherine Heigl, Kristen Stewart, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Seth Green, Seth Meyers, Seth McFarlane, pretty much anyone famous named Seth, Ryan Seacrest, Nicolas Cage, George Clooney, Gerard Butler, Dane Cook, David Hasselhoff, Michael Cera, Shia LeBouf, Nick Cannon, Lindsay Lohan.
Donald Trump, Mark Cuban, the entire Kardashian family, and Steve Jobs.
And more not listed.
No! Of course not!
it means that you worship the devil
Mr Crowley is currently deceased, he no longer worships anyone.
No, Obama does not worship devils. This is a foolish rumor started by his political adversaries in an attempt to deface him.
No, They do not worship the devil.
no he doesn't worship the devil
Ray j do not worship the devil.
NO! no she really doesnt!
No He Does Not Worship The Devil he Is A True believer in G0d
she dont worship the devil she's a christian y would she do that
Worship the devil.
It can't be said that ''all Crips worship the devil'' that would be stereotyping. But I'm sure just like any other organization u have members of the Crips that worship god, u have members of the Crips that worship the devil & u have members of the Crips that aren't religious at all.
There is no credible evidence or information to suggest that Sean "Diddy" Combs worships the devil. Claims of celebrities being involved in satanic worship or rituals are often unfounded rumors or conspiracy theories. It is important to critically evaluate sources and rely on factual information when discussing individuals' beliefs or practices.
Methodists don't worship the devil. They are Christians and worship God and Jesus Christ.
some say no.... but some say yes.... but The answer is.... yes. Nas does worship the devil.