Celebrities born on May 5 include:
Lil Za (rapper) - born 1994
Henry Cavill (actor, Man of Steel) - born 1993
Chris Brown (singer) - born 1989
Adele (singer) - born 1988
Brian Williams (host, anchor) - born 1959
John Rhys-Davies (actor) - born 1944
Michael Palin (comic actor, Monty Python) - born 1943
Lance Henriksen (actor) - born 1940
Michael Murphy (actor) - born 1938
Historically, it was the birthday of:
Karl Marx, communism philosopher (1818-1883)
Celebrities who were born on March 5 include:
Sterling Knight (TV actor) - born 1989
Jake Lloyd (child actor, Star Wars) - born 1989
Jolene Blalock (TV actress, Enterprise) - born 1975
Eva Mendes (actress) - born 1974
Shaquille O'Neal (NBA star) - born 1972
Queen Latifah (actress, TV hostess) - born 1970
Michael Irvin (NFL receiver) - born 1967
Joel Osteen (televangelist) - born 1963
Penn Jillette (magician) - born 1956
Rocky Bleier (soldier, NFL RB) - born 1946
Samantha Eggar (actress) - born 1939
Fred Williamson (athlete and actor) - born 1938
Dean Stockwell (actor, famous brother) - born 1936
James B. Sikking (actor, famous TV dad) - born 1934
Historically, March 5 was the birthday of :
Rex Harrison, film actor (1908-1990)
Jack Cassidy, actor, famous husband and dad (1927-1976)
Andy Gibb, singer and famous brother (1958-1988)
The many celebrities born on January 5 include:
King Juan Carlos of Spain - born 1938
Emma Bolger (actress) - born 1996
De'Anthony Thomas (NFL receiver) - born 1993
January Jones (model and actress) - born 1978
Bradley Cooper (actor) - born 1975
Warrick Dunn (TV actor) - born 1975
Guy Torry (actor, famous brother)- born 1969
Marilyn Manson (singer Bryan Warner) - born 1969
Joe Flanigan (actor, Stagate Atlantis) - born 1967
Vinnie Jones (footballer and actor) - born 1965
Suzy Amis (actress and activist) - born 1962
Clancy Brown (character actor) - born 1959
Alex English (ex-NBA forward) - born 1954
Pamela Sue Martin (actress) - born 1953
Ted Lange (TV actor, Love Boat) - born 1948
Diane Keaton (actress) - born 1946
Charlie Rose (MLB all-star) - born 1942
Robert Duvall (actor) - born 1931
Walter Mondale (US Vice President) - born 1928
Historically, January 5 was the birthday of:
Zebulon Pike, US explorer (1778-1813)
Stephen Decatur, US Navy captain (1779-1820)
George Reeves, Superman TV actor (1914-1959)
Jane Wyman, actress and famous wife (1917-2007)
Chuck Noll, Pittsburgh Steelers coach (1932-2014)
Celebrities born on January 25 include :
Alicia Keys (singer) - born 1981
Michael Trevino (actor) - born 1985
Geoff Johns (comics writer) - born 1973
Dinah Manoff (actress) - born 1958
Anita Pallenberg (actress, Rolling Stones GF) - born 1944
Tobe Hooper (film director) - born 1943
Gregory Sierra (actor, Barney Miller) - born 1941
Historically, January 25 was the birthday of :
Robert Boyle, scientist (1627-1691)
Robert Burns, Scottish poet (1759-1796)
W. Somerset Maugham, author and playwright (1874-1965)
Virginia Woolf, essayist and critic (1882-1941)
Edwin Newman, TV journalist (1919-2010)
Dean Jones, Disney actor (1931-2015)
Etta James, blues singer (1938-2012)
Celebrities who were born on February 5 include:
Darren Criss (actor) - born 1987
Cristiano Ronaldo (Portuguese footballer) - born 1985
Bobby Brown (singer, famous husband) - born 1969
Michael Sheen (UK actor) - born 1969
Roberto Alomar (MLB star) - born 1968
Jennifer Jason Leigh (actress) - born 1962
Christopher Guest (actor, famous husband) - born 1948
Barbara Hershey (actress, famous wife) - born 1948
Tom Wilkinson (UK actor) - born 1948
Charlotte Rampling (actress) - born 1946
Michael Mann (TV director, producer) - born 1943
Craig Morton (NFL QB) - born 1943
Roger Staubach (NFL QB) - born 1942
Stuart Damon (UK actor) - born 1937
Hank Aaron (Baseball legend) - born 1934
Historically, February 5 was the birthday of :
Adlai Stevenson II, presidential candidate (1900-1965)
John Carradine, actor and famous father (1906-1988)
Red Buttons, comedian and actor (1909-2006)
H. R. Giger, horror sculptor (1940-2014)
Steven J. Cannell, TV producer (1941-2010)
Kevin J Maclean was born on February 5, 1988.
Michael Sheen was born on 5 February 1969 in Newport, Monmouthshire in Wales.
Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985
Jo Swinson was born on February 5, 1980.
Yvon Vallières was born on February 5, 1949.
Marisol Reyes
There are thousands of people born on February 4, 1994 throughout the world. There are no celebrities or famous people that were born on this date.
Lindsey Cardinale was born on February 5, 1985
Alkesh patel (bodal wala)
Neymar was born on February 5, 1992
I was born.
st valintine
Kevin J Maclean was born on February 5, 1988.
Michael Sheen was born on 5 February 1969 in Newport, Monmouthshire in Wales.
Celebrities at Home - 2012 was released on: USA: 9 February 2012
Wheesung was born on February 5, 1982.
Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985