espeon because it is a psychic type witch is the best. so pick espeon because the others do not have a bug type.but umbreon is a problem for espeon.
Both at level 30
In all versions of Pokemon if given a fire, thunder or water stone Eevee will evolve into a Flareon, Jolteon or Vaporeon. In all versions except red, blue, yellow and green Eevee will evolve into Espeon or Umbreon if their friendship is gained. Espeon if friendship gained in the daytime. Umbreon if their friendship is gained at nighttime. In Pokemon pearl, diamond or platinum, Eevee will evovle into Leafeon if leveled up next to the green rock in eterna forest and a Glaceon if you level Eevee up at a stone covered in ice at snowpoint
In Generation III (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red, Leaf Green), the only Pokemon that evolve with a Thunderstone are: Eevee, which evolves into Jolteon; and Pikachu, which evolves into Raichu.
At lv. 10.
omanyte evolves into omastar at lv:40 Pokemon fire red omanyte evolves into omastar at lv:40 Pokemon fire red
you cant evolve eevee with a moon stone
in Pokemon red, blue, and yellow, you can evolve eevee into flareon, vaporeon, or jolteon, by using on it a fire stone, water stone, or thunder stone respectively. In Pokemon gold silver and crystal, eevee can evolve into the three previous forms mentioned, as well as: umbreon and espeon by leveling up a happy eevee in the evening, or in the daytime respectively.
No, however, you can with an AR.
Tangela does not evolve in Fire Red.
You have to trade you eevee into another Pokemon game, and then raise it's happiness in that game to get it to evolve, then trade it back...kind of annoying
No only Fire Red and Leaf Green and trade it from Pokemon fire red and leaf green
You'll have to trade an Eevee from Fire Red, Leaf Green, or XD.
Yes,of course!Evolves at night with friendship and once friendship is high level it up once at night!
you cant umbreon doesn't exist in fire red
You can't find Eevee in Pokemon Ruby, but you can trade for it from Fire Red, Leaf Green, and XD.
You have to trade it from Fire Red or Leaf Green.
eevee and pikachu.