Megatron, Starscream, Demolisher, Devastator, Barricade, Blackout, the Fallen, Rampage, Bonecrusher, Sideways, Grindor, Ravage, Soundwave, Mixmaster, Longhaul, Scrapper, Scavenger, Overload, Hightower, Scorponok, and Alice
Grindor is the same as Blackout, just a different name.
Chat with our AI personalities
The names of the Transformers are Bumblebee, Jazz, Ironhide, Rachet and Optumis Prime. The decipticons are Megatron, Blackout, Brawl, Bonecrusher and Starscream.
The names of the transformers in transformers 2 are the twins, the fallen, jetfire, grinder, soundwave and sideswipe(or sideways). I dont remember the rest sorry!
Optimus Prime (Leader)(Origionally Optimus in the Cartoons)
Ratchet (Medical officer)
Jazz (Dies in first movie)
Ironhide (Weapon Specialist)
Jet fire (Former Decepticon)
Mudflap (red twin)
Skids (green twin)
Inferno (Not in the movies)
Weelie(Former Decepticon)
Megatron (Leader)
The Fallen (Leader of Megatron)
Star Scream
Barricade (ran of in the first movie)
Black out (dies in first movie)
Sound Wave
Devastator (a 46 ft gorilla)
Long Haul
1. Optimus Prime
2. Bumblebee
3. Ratchet
4. Ironhide
5. Jazz
6. Wheeljack
7. Sideswipe
8. Cliffjumper
9. Ultra Magnus
10. Wheelie
13. Snarl
14. Slug
15. Hot Rod
16. Cup
17. Arcee
18. Blurr
19. Springer
20. Prowl
21. Mirage
22. Smokescreen
23. Skids
24. Mudflaps
25. Warpath
26. Jetfire
27. Metroplex
28. Sludge
29. Silverbolt
30. Air Raid
31. Sunstreaker
32. Grapple
33. Tracks
34. Bluestreak
35. Hound
36. Red Alert
37. Trailbreaker
38. Hoist
39. Inferno
40. Windcharger
41. Brawn
42. Huffer
43. Gears
44. Seaspray
45. Powerglide
46. Beachcomber
47. Cosmos
48. Outback
49. Pipes
50. Swerve
51. Tailgate
52. Blaster
53. Omega Surpreme
54. Perceptor
55. Alpha Trion
56. Broadside
57. Devcon
58. Sky Lynx
59. Counterpunch
60. Sandstorm
61. Beta
62. Slingshot
63. Skydive
64. Fireflight
65. Superion
66. Streetwise
67. Groove
68. First Aid
69. Hot Spot
70. Blades
71. Defensor
72. Elita
73. Chormia
74. Firestar
75. Moonracer
76. Nosecone
77. Lightspeed
78. Strafe
79. Scattershot
80. Afterburner
81. Computron
82. Chase
83. Freeway
84. Rollbar
85. Searchlight
86. Wideload
87. Sureshot
88. Pointblank
89. Crosshairs
90. Hardhead
91. Chromedome
92. Brainstorm
93. Highbrow
94. Fortress Maximus
95. Fastlane
96. Cloudraker
97. Megatron
98. Starscream
99. Soundwave
101. Thundercracker
102. Skywarp
103. Reflector
104. Shrapnel
105. Bombshell
106. Kickback
107. Hook
108. Scrapper
109. Bonecrusher
110. Long Haul
111. Scavenger
112. Mixmaster
113. Devastator
114. Thrust
115. Ramjet
116. Dirge
117. Trypticon
118. Motormaster
119. Drag Strip
120. Dead End
121. Breakdown
122. Wildrider
123. Menasor
124. Brawl
125. Swindle
126. Blast Off
127. Vortex
128. Onslaught
129. Bruticus
130. Galvatron
131. Cyclonus
132. Scourge
133. Sweeps
134. Octane
135. Blitzwing
136. Astrotrain
137. Sixshot
138. Tantrum
139. Rampage
140. Headstrong
141. Razorclaw
142. Divebomb
143. Predaking
144. Runamuck
145. Runabout
146. Rippersnapper
147. Blot
148. Sinnertwin
149. Cutthroat
150. Hun-Gurrr
151. Abominus
152. Slugslinger
153. Triggerhappy
154. Triggershot
155. Misfire
156. Scorponok
157. Weirdwolf
158. Skullcruncher
159. Mindwipe
160. Apeface
161. Snapdragon
162. Pounce
163. Wingspan
164. Unicron
165. Dion
166. Eject
167. Rewind
168. Ramhorn
169. Steeljaw
170. Lazerbeak
171. Rumble
172. Ravage
173. Frenzy
174. Buzzsaw
175. Ratbat
176. Slugfest
177. Overkill
178. Buzzkill
179. Haywire
180. Pinpointer
181. Firebolt
182. Recoil
183. Peacemaker
184. Spoilsport
185. Nightstick
186. Aimless
187. Fracas
188. Caliburst
189. Blowpipe
190. Scamper
191. Six-Gun
192. Slammer
193. Full-Tilt
194. Brunt
195. Wipe-Out
196. Cerebros
197. Zarak
198. Topspin
199. Roadbuster
200. Darksteel
In movies: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Jazz, Ratchet, Cliffjumper, Prowl, Bluestreak, Hound, Huffer, Windcharger, Wheeljack, Skids, Mudflap, Sideswipe, Gears, the Arcee twins( or triplets, since there's 3 of them), Dino, Que, Roadbuster, Leadfoot.
Others: Goldbug, Rodimus Prime, Primus, Primon, Grapple, Blurr, Firestar, Ultra Magnus, Ramhorn, Tailgate, Sandstorm, Broadside, Freeway, Lightspeed, Streetwise, Bulkhead, Swoop, Sunstreaker, Hot Spot, Scavenger, Grimlock, Slag, Springer, Warpath, Cosmos, Perceptor, Skydive, Pipes, Inferno, Blaster, Silverbolt, Hot Rod, Fireflight, Beachcomber, Air Raid, Airazor, and Superion(made up of Silverbolt, Air Raid, Fireflight, Skydive, and Airazor).
Optimus Prime (red/blue flame decal semi-truck)
Jazz (silver solstice)
Sideswipe (Corvette)
Ironhide (Black GMC topkick)
Ratchet (Yellow Search and rescue hummer)
Bumblebeee ( Yellow Cammaro)
Skids (Green Chevy)
Mudflap (red Chevy)
Arcee (purple Bike)
Chromia (Pink Bike)
Elita-1 (blue bike)
Jeifire (Blackbird)
Wheelie (RC Monster truck)
SideWays (?)
Demolisher (Construction vehicle)
{Devestator} [Mixmaster. Scrapper, Hightower, Longhaul]
Megatron (Cybertonian jet)
Starscream (F-15)
The Fallen
Sam Witwicky
Ron Witwicky
Judy Witwicky
Major (William?) Lenox
AutoBots: Optimus Prime, BumbleBee, Jazz, Rachet, IronHide, Skids, Mudflap, Sideswipe, Jolt, The Wreckers, Chrome, Arcees, Sentinal Prime
Sentinal Prie is an Autobot and Decepticon just so you know.
Decepticons: Megatron, Blackout, Star Scream, Barricade, Scropionic, Bonecrusher, Brawl (Devastator), Grinder, Sideways, The Fallen, Long Haul, Demolisher, Devastator, Wreckage, CranckCase, Sentinal Prime and thats all!! :)
There's Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen, and Transformers: Dark of The moon.
If you're asking for the names, there's: - Transformers - Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen - Transformers: Dark of The Moon
'Transformers' , 'Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen' and the yet to be released (July 1st 2011) 'Transformers : Dark of the Moon' .
The first Transformers movie is called 'Transformers'. The second Transformers movie is called 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen'. The final Transformers movie is called 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon'. Your Welcome :) ...
The Autobots:Sentinel PrimeOptimus PrimeBumblebeeIronhideRatchetSideswipeWheelieBrainsDinoQueThe Wreckers: Roadbuster, Leadfoot,and TopspinDecepticons:MegatronShockwaveStarscreamSoundwaveRavageLaserbeakIgorDreads: Crowbar, Hatchet, and Crankcase