In Pokémon White, the 6th Gym Leader is Skyla, the Gym Leader of Mistralton City and her Pokémon party consists of a Level 33 female Swoobat, a Level 33 female Unfezant and a Level 35 female Swanna.
you have to go to every gym in kanto a beat all the gym leaders
You have to beat the first 3 gyms in Kanto before Erika will be in her gym. Erika's gym is the fourth in the series.
you have to get all of the other gym badges in kanto and then go to Cinnabarr island and talk to blue. then go to viridian city and go in the Pokemon gym!
You cannot travel to the Hoenn region in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver.
That's never going to happen, since in Pokemon diamond and pearl there arent any gym leaders from johto and kanto you can battle. there is only one from johto jasmine and she only participates in pkmn contests. So if you want to beat all gym leaders from johto and kanto get a fire red and a crystal, lol or just create your own Pokemon game, XD!!
you have to go to every gym in kanto a beat all the gym leaders
defeat all the other gym leaders
The Kanto gym leaders are located in most major cities. Be sure to look out for the gym signs. They will usually be located in the middle of the large cities. There are some cities that do not have gym leaders, however.
You can go and challenge other Gym Leaders in the Kanto region, such as Brock.
well, there isn't any, just the eight gym leaders
After you have battled and beaten all eight gym leaders of Johto, you get on a ship to the Kanto region. Professor oak should be at Pallet town but you will have to beat most of the Kanto Gym leaders to get to him. Good Luck!
Beat the Elite four once and you will be able to go to Kanto. First, you'll end up in the third gym leaders town when you arrive. Explore Kanto and you'll get to the FIRST gym in no time. The first gym is Brock who uses Rock types
You go to the Cerulean Cave after beating all eight Kanto gym leaders.
You go off and train it and start defeating the gym leaders
brock, misty, sgt.surge, erika, janine, sabrina, blaine, blue. Thanks!!
beat the first 7 gym leaders of johto (assuming that you've already got the 8 first gym badges in kanto)
defeat all 7 gym leaders in kanto then the old man will move