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there are three levels of conscience based on our book, the fear conscience, moral/ethical conscience and the christian religious conscience. The titles speak of itself. fear conscience because of the fear of being punished. moral conscience is more on the values. Christian religious is more on what God wants you to do.

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12y ago

Certain conscience

-is convinced without any doubt that the action is good or bad

-makes a confident judgment that a person is making the best moral choice

Erroneous conscience

-is a wrong or incorrectly formed

-is one that judges an action incorrectly; that is, it judges a good action as bad and a bad action as good

-tells us that something is really wrong when it is right, something that us really right is wring

Correct conscience

-is a conscience whose judgment is always in accordance with the will of God

Doubtful conscience

-cannot decide between good and bad moral choices

Lax conscience

-tends to see no sin where there is really sin or to make small sins out of serious sins

-excuses evil easily or refuses to recognize it

Scrupulous conscience

-has the basic factor not so much as error but fear

-judges that there is sin where there really is no sin or that a sin is mortal when it is really only venial

Correct conscience

-is one that tells a person that a certain thing is good or bad, and that this decision is in accordance with the objective law

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