

Best Answer

You can find the secret passwords all over the web, but here ther are to save you the trouble:

{| ! scope="col" |

! scope="col" |

| 82607991 Obtain 100% Scan Data for Numemon

19970628 Obtain 100% Scan Data for DotAgumon

70307991 Obtain 100% Scan Data for DotShineGreymon

02619020 Obtain Legend Sword, Legend Robe, and Legend Ring


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15y ago
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15y ago

Game ID: ADNE-6da6f484

There are 157 codes for this game.

Max/Infinite Money

021db7e8 000f423f

Digimon Gallery Complete!

121e045e 0000ffff

021e0460 ffffffff

021e0464 ffffffff

021e0468 ffffffff

021e046c ffffffff

021e0470 ffffffff

021e0474 ffffffff

021e0478 ffffffff

021e047c ffffffff

021e0480 ffffffff

121e0484 0000ffff

Press Select: All Digimon 999% Scan

94000130 000003fb

d5000000 3e700000

c0000000 0000013c

d6000000 021e0498

d2000000 00000000


Max/Full HP

021db868 0000270f

021db86c 0000270f

Max/Full MP

121db870 0000270f

121db872 0000270f

Quick Level Up

021db8c8 00000001

Max Attack

121db874 000003e7

Max Defense

121db876 000003e7

Max Spirit

121db878 000003e7

Max Speed

121db87a 000003e7

Max Aptitude

121db87e 000003e7


021db8a4 0000270f


021db8a4 00000000


021db8a8 0000270f


021db8a8 00000000


021db8ac 0000270f


021db8ac 00000000


021db8b0 0000270f


021db8b0 00000000


021db8b4 0000270f


021db8b4 00000000


021db8b8 0000270f


021db8b8 00000000


021db8bc 0000270f


021db8bc 00000000


021db8c0 0000270f


021db8c0 00000000


Max/Full HP

021db9e8 0000270f

021db9ec 0000270f

Max/Full MP

121db9f0 0000270f

121db9f2 0000270f

Quick Level Up

021dba48 00000001

Max Attack

121db9f4 000003e7

Max Defense

121db9f6 000003e7

Max Spirit

121db9f8 000003e7

Max Speed

121db9fa 000003e7

Max Aptitude

121db9fe 000003e7


021dba24 0000270f


021dba24 00000000


021dba28 0000270f


021dba28 00000000


021dba2c 0000270f


021dba2c 00000000


021dba30 0000270f


021dba30 00000000


021dba34 0000270f


021dba34 00000000


021dba38 0000270f


021dba38 00000000


021dba3c 0000270f


021dba3c 00000000


021dba40 0000270f


021dba40 00000000


Max/Full HP

021dbb68 0000270f

021dbb6c 0000270f

Max/Full MP

121dbb70 0000270f

121dbb72 0000270f

Quick Level Up

021dbbc8 00000001

Max Attack

121dbb74 000003e7

Max Defense

121dbb76 000003e7

Max Spirit

121dbb78 000003e7

Max Speed

121dbb7a 000003e7

Max Aptitude

121dbb7e 000003e7


021dbba4 0000270f


021dbba4 00000000


021dbba8 0000270f


021dbba8 00000000


021dbbac 0000270f


021dbbac 00000000


021dbbb0 0000270f


021dbbb0 00000000


021dbbb4 0000270f


021dbbb4 00000000


021dbbb8 0000270f


021dbbb8 00000000


021dbbbc 0000270f


021dbbbc 00000000


021dbbc0 0000270f


021dbbc0 00000000


Max/Full HP

021dbce8 0000270f

021dbcec 0000270f

Max/Full MP

121dbcf0 0000270f

121dbcf2 0000270f

Quick Level Up

021dbd48 00000001

Max Attack

121dbcf4 000003e7

Max Defense

121dbcf6 000003e7

Max Spirit

121dbcf8 000003e7

Max Speed

121dbcfa 000003e7

Max Aptitude

121dbcfe 000003e7


021dbd24 0000270f


021dbd24 00000000


021dbd28 0000270f


021dbd28 00000000


021dbd2c 0000270f


021dbd2c 00000000


021dbd30 0000270f


021dbd30 00000000


021dbd34 0000270f


021dbd34 00000000


021dbd38 0000270f


021dbd38 00000000


021dbd3c 0000270f


021dbd3c 00000000


021dbd40 0000270f


021dbd40 00000000


Max/Full HP

021dbe68 0000270f

021dbe6c 0000270f

Max/Full MP

121dbe70 0000270f

121dbe72 0000270f

Quick Level Up

021dbec8 00000001

Max Attack

121dbe74 000003e7

Max Defense

121dbe76 000003e7

Max Spirit

121dbe78 000003e7

Max Speed

121dbe7a 000003e7

Max Aptitude

121dbe7e 000003e7


021dbea4 0000270f


021dbea4 00000000


021dbea8 0000270f


021dbea8 00000000


021dbeac 0000270f


021dbeac 00000000


021dbeb0 0000270f


021dbeb0 00000000


021dbeb4 0000270f


021dbeb4 00000000


021dbeb8 0000270f


021dbeb8 00000000


021dbebc 0000270f


021dbebc 00000000


021dbec0 0000270f


021dbec0 00000000


Max/Full HP

021dbfe8 0000270f

021dbfec 0000270f

Max/Full MP

121dbff0 0000270f

121dbff2 0000270f

Quick Level Up

021dc048 00000001

Max Attack

121dbff4 000003e7

Max Defense

121dbff6 000003e7

Max Spirit

121dbff8 000003e7

Max Speed

121dbffa 000003e7

Max Aptitude

121dbffe 000003e7


021dc024 0000270f


021dc024 00000000


021dc028 0000270f


021dc028 00000000


021dc02c 0000270f


021dc02c 00000000


021dc030 0000270f


021dc030 00000000


021dc034 0000270f


021dc034 00000000


021dc038 0000270f


021dc038 00000000


021dc03c 0000270f


021dc03c 00000000


021dc040 0000270f


021dc040 00000000

Verify this code Rate this code I would like to report a problem with this code

Verified by: this code is unverified Submitted by: royalpain32 on April 07, 2009

rating: --- link directly to this codeDigimon Gallery Complete [North America]

Digimon Gallery Complete

121e045e 0000ffff

021e0460 ffffffff

021e0464 ffffffff

021e0468 ffffffff

021e046c ffffffff

021e0470 ffffffff

021e0474 ffffffff

021e0478 ffffffff

021e047c ffffffff

021e0480 ffffffff

121e0484 0000ffff

Completes Digimon Gallery

Verify this code Rate this code I would like to report a problem with this code

Verified by: this code is unverified Submitted by: Gray Shadow on May 14, 2008

rating: --- link directly to this codeLow Game Time [North America]

Low Game Time

021db7f0 00000400

Gives you Low Game Time

Verify this code Rate this code I would like to report a problem with this code

Verified by: this code is unverified Submitted by: Gray Shadow on May 14, 2008

rating: --- link directly to this codeMax/Infinite Food [North America]

Max/Infinite Food

021db7ec 0001869f

Gives you Max/Infinite Food

Verify this code Rate this code I would like to report a problem with this code

Verified by: this code is unverified Submitted by: Gray Shadow on May 14, 2008

rating: --- link directly to this codeNo Random Battles [North America]

No Random Battles

221abc59 00000000

Gives you No Random Battles

Verify this code Rate this code I would like to report a problem with this code

Verified by: shadowkpo21 Submitted by: Gray Shadow on May 14, 2008

rating: --- link directly to this codeRandom Battle [North America]

Random Battle

94000130 fdff0000

221abc59 000000ff

Hold L For Random Battle

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Wiki User

13y ago

I'm Sorry but there are no cheat codes for that game. But here is a walk through for it to help you out hopefully.

Digimon world Championship ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Beggining 2. Capture digimon 3. Taking care of your digimon 4. Battling 5. Digimon Location 6. Title matches 7.All unlockable digimon and requirements 8. Maximum digimon stats 9.Cages 10. Common Q & A 11. Biggest Secret of Game 12. Copyright ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beggining -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the beginning you rececive a botamon and a rope that only allows you to capture Child I & II generation digimon. Some supplies of food, bandages, and medicine. *note* After the tutorial you can go hunting in the first hunting ground and battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capture digimon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this game you can catch digimon with rope. A rope is a purchasable at Title Matches, with increasing ranks color change. The higher the rank and color, the tougher the rope is to pulls. when you encounter a digimon It will start to go panicky and run about. Hold your stylus on the Digimon and pull, and you will see a rope stretch out, as well as a red bar representing HP. As you pull, you will drain its HP. However, if your rope is ill-suited to capture a Digimon (for example, your starting rope can only capture Fresh / In-Trainings only. , you will not drain HP at all; you're only wasting time. After draining off all the HP, the Digimon will be ready to capture. Just use your hand icon to tap it and take it into your storage. Here is a list of items that can help you Gun : stuns digimon for an amount of time Food : attracks digimon Fences: traps digimon and/or depletes it's HP (electric fences) Traps: Bombs or booby traps ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taking care of your digimon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So you captured a digimon. Heres a guide. At the bottom of the screen you have the options of move, feed, protein, clean, bandage, and medicine. Move: Use this option to move your digimon around the cages. Feed : Feed your digimon. Food can be bought from the store or won in matches. Protein : Feed this pill and increase it's protein. Clean : Clean your digimon's waste and leftovers daily. Bandage: Heal your digimon injurie.(Injuries can be gotten by over training and battles) Medicine: Cure your digimon's cold.(Digimon can die or revert because of this) There are couple more options at the bottom that don't affect in taking care of your digimon. * Shops * Hunting * Schedule * Data base * Battle * Help * Suspend Save * Tamer info * End Day * Digimon * Cage edit Tips * Digimon can die and be deleted and you'll never see them again. * Make sure you battle ten times with that digimon so it can revert back into an egg. * Mega Digimon after reverting can sometimes past their stat limit. * Digimon can have cold and injurys. * Overworking your digimon or battling when stressed will increase the chances of getting injuries. * Injurys will increase penaltys by one and colds increase it by two. *Winter is a time during which Injuries come more frequently. * The number of penaltys a digimon has resets when the digimon evolves. * Go to Cages to see a list of cages* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digimon Location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of digimon in different locations. *Note* Mega digimon can not be caught in the wild. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIno Plains; poyomon kokatorimon armidillomon triceramon tokomon gaomon tanemon pabumon pichimon punimon botamon tsunomon nyaromon elecmon ---------------- Wave coast: shellmon gesomon whamon seadramon gomamon bukamon pinchimon divermon ------------------ Jagged rocks unimon tokomon peckmon patamon parrotmon falcomon ----------------- Clear Oasis meramon gargomon triceramon ShoganGeckomon antlyamon dragomon superstarmon (Rare) Lillymon (Rare) Veemon ----------------------- Drive Savannas Rabidmon gargomon terriermon gaogamon botamon anlyamon tyrannomon agumon (Rare) Veemon -------------------- Slippery Swamp Gizamon Motimon mushroommon tanemon otamamon pichimon poyomon geremon pabumon geckomon zurumon --------------------- S.Bridge Valley cantarumon goburimon mokumon biyomon patamon etemon elecmon yokomon Snow land blackweregarurumon mammothmon weregarurumon gabumon icemon gomamon Frigimon snowagumon --------------------------- Modular Forrest palmon nyaromon motimon gazimon pagumon nyokimon veggiemon tanemon cherrrymon ---------------------- Chrome Mines Blacktyranoomon demiadevimon gotsumon mushroommon elecmon skullgreymon saberdramon ----------------------- Volcano botamon demimeramon meramon agumon greymon geogreymon gotsumon tyrannomon metalgreymon(virus) guilmon --------------------- Snow Land andromon metaltyranoomon hagurumon kapurimon elecmon superstarmon mamemon guardromon pandamon clockmon -------------------- Sizzzling Desert Veemon airdramon demimeramon togemon lynxmon punimon tsunomon mokumon ------------------ Boot Jungle palmon motimon tanemon aruraumon redveggiemon woodmon floramon pixiemon parrotmon tsukiamon mushroomon deramon ----------------- Sewer Road gesomon sukamon kapurimon poyomon clockmon geremon vademon gizamon raremon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can battle for bits(money), ranks, ect. You can have up to 3 digimon at a time. Before battle you give digimon commands or battle tactics. The result all depends on what you give each one of them. Each digimon has a different set of moves. 1. all digimon have a basic tackle attack. 2.Some digimon have moves that they can shoot or blast form a distance.*Note this move uses up TP* 3.Some digimon have status effecting moves ( example 1. : DeathMeramon has one that raises his stats.) You can tell if that digimon has symbols circling around it in battle after it uses it. (example.2: Patamon has a healing move) During battle *At the top of the screen it has a timer and you and your opponent's digimon HP and TP. *The bottom of the screen is where your digimon fight. *note* You don't control the digimon in the battle. Rank matches can be fought on certain days. Below is all the matches translated --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All matches -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spring 1: Hundred Soul Rank 8 BG: Red Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: 3+ Egg Reversions Spring 2: Million Solo Dive Rank 8 BG: Gold Format: 1 vs 3 Spring 3: Origin Survivor Rank 3 BG: Blue Format: 1 vs 1 Restriction: Digimon was introduced in Digital Monster Ace of Spring Rank 1 BG: Green Format: 1 vs 1 Spring 4: Wing Master Rank 6 BG: Purple Format: 1 vs 1 Restriction: Bird Family Spring 5: Thousand Soul Rank 8 BG: Gold Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: 5+ Egg Reversions Bit Agent Rank 1 BG: Green Format: 3 vs 3 Dancing Dolls Rank 3 BG: Blue Format: 1 vs 3 Restriction: Champion generation Spring 6: Nature King Rank 4 BG: Blue Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Champion generation Security Finalist Rank 8 BG: Red Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Vaccine attribute, Mega generation Spring 7: Queen of Duelist Rank 7 BG: Red Format: 3 vs 3 Dark Soldiers Rank 3 BG: Blue Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Machine or Darkness Families Challenge Gears Rank 1 BG: Green Format: 1 vs 1 Saint Soldiers Rank 5 BG: Purple Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Holy Family Spring 8: Bug Murders Rank 5 BG: Purple Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Virus Attribute Huge Gatekeeper Rank 8 BG: Red Format: 1 vs 1 Restriction: Data Attribute, Mega generation Small Challenger Rank 1 BG: Green Format: 1 vs 1 Summer 1: Sunshine Revolution Rank 8 BG: Gold Format: 3 vs 3 Summer 2: Summer of Mirage Rank 4 BG: Blue Format: 3 vs 1 Restriction: Champion generation Metal Emperor Rank 6 BG: Purple Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Machine Family Summer 3: Top of Gladiator Rank 7 BG: Red Format: 1 vs 1, Coliseum Field Aqua Centurion Rank 2 BG: Green Format: 3 vs 3, Water Field Blade Guardian Rank 8 BG: Gold Format: 3 vs 3 Summer 4: Volcano Striker Rank 5 BG: Purple Format: 3 vs 3, Volcano Field Summer 5: Seas of Emerald Rank 5 BG: Purple Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Plant Type Gene Savers Rank 1 BG: Green Format: 1 vs 3 Summer 6: Clear Fighters Rank 3 BG: Blue Format: 3 vs 3 Summer 7: Dragon Lord Rank 8 BG: Red Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Dragon Family Desert Stormer Rank 1 BG: Green Format: 3 vs 3, Desert Field Summer 8: Insect Royale Rank 2 BG: Blue Format: 3 vs 3 Aqua Crusher Rank 5 BG: Purple Format: 3 vs 3, Water Field Autumn 1: Top of the World Rank 4 BG: Blue Format: 3 vs 3 Tough Digitizer Rank 2 BG: Green Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Rookie generation Autumn 2: Large Fighter Rank 4 BG: Blue Format: 3 vs 1 Restriction: Champion Generation Mame the World Rank 7 BG: Red Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Mamemon type Autumn Survivor Rank 5 BG: Purple Format: 1 vs 1 Infinity Soul Rank 8 BG: Gold Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: 10+ Egg Reversions Autumn 3: Noisy Divider Rank 8 BG: Red Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Virus Attribute, Mega generation Metal Armageddon Rank 6 BG: Purple Format: 3 vs 3 Autumn 4: Access Trooper Rank 1 BG: Green Format: 1 vs 1 Perfect Battler Rank 7 BG: Red Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Mega generation Autumn 5: Championship Qualifiers Rank 3 BG: Gold Format: 3 vs 3 x3 Championship Finals Rank 5 BG: Gold Format: 3 vs 3 x5 Gravity Knights Rank 8 BG: Gold Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Capacitance 24+G Rainbow Flier Rank 3 BG: Blue Format: 3 vs 3 Autumn 6: Sky Walkers Rank 5 BG: Purple Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Dragon or Bird Families Data Killers Rank 3 BG: Blue Autumn 7: Golden Feather Rank 7 BG: Red Format: 3 vs 3 Captain Legion Rank 3 BG: Blue Format: 3 vs 2 Restriction: Champion generation Lonesome Heaven Rank 5 BG: Purple Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Cowardly Personality Autumn 8: Vector Partition Rank 1 BG: Green Format: 3 vs 3 Beast Champion Rank 8 BG: Red Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Beast Family Huge Maximum Rank 6 BG: Purple Format: 3 vs 1 Restriction: Ultimate generation Winter 1: Moon Evolution Rank 8 BG: Gold Format: 3 vs 3 Winter 2: Ancient Buster Rank 5 BG: Purple Format: 3 vs 3 Winter 3: Core Breaker Rank 7 BG: Red Format: 1 vs 1 Blizzard Dominion Rank 3 BG: Blue Format: 3 vs 3, Ice Field Wild Hunters Rank 2 BG: Green Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Rookie generation Winter 4: Silver Freeze Rank 5 BG: Purple Format: 1 vs 3 Winter 6: General of Winter Rank 7 BG: Red Format: 1 vs 3 Winter 7: Nightmare Head Rank 4 BG: Blue Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Champion generation Winter 8: Reflect War Rank 7 BG: Gold Format: 3 vs 3 Pendulum Distortion Rank 7 BG: Red Format: 3 vs 3 Restriction: Digimon was introduced in Pendulum Green is Immediately available with Blue unlocking at Tamer Rank 3; Purple, Rank 5; Red, Rank 7; and Gold, Rank 9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All unlockable digimon and requirements --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *note* Your digimon will NOT digivolve if your rank is not high enough to catch it. Example : You have a rookie like guilmon and you battle 6 times and he did not digivolve. That means you do not have a high enogh rank to catch and care for a champion(adult) digimon. ---------------- Baby ---------------- Zurumon - Kapurimon (>= 20 Machine-AP) - Pagumon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Motimon (passing time) Choromon - Pagumon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Motimon (>= 20 Machine-AP) - Kapurimon (passing time) Nyokimon - Pyocomon (>= 20 Insect-AP) - Koromon (>= 20 Dragon-AP) - Tanemon (passing time) Babumon - Motimon (>= 20 Insect-AP) - Pyocomon (>= 20 Bird-AP) - Tanemon (passing time) Pichimon - Pukamon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Tokomon (passing time) - Tsunomon (>= 20 Beast-AP) Petitmon - BabyDmon (passing time) Punimon - Pukamon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Nyaromon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Petit Meramon (passing time) Botamon - Tokomon (>= 20 Holy-AP) - Pagumon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Koromon (passing time) Poyomon - Tokomon (>= 20 Holy-AP) - Motimon (passing time) - Pukamon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Nyaromon (>= 20 Beast-AP) Mokumon - Kapurimon (>= 20 Machine-AP) - Petit Meramon (passing time) - Koromon (>= 20 Dragon-AP) - Sunmon (>= 20 Holy-AP) Yukimi Botamon - Tsunomon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Moonmon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Nyaromon (passing time) Yuramon - Petit Meramon (>= 20 Machine-AP) - Koromon (>= 20 Dragon-AP) - Tanemon (passing time) ---------------- Baby II ---------------- Kapurimon - Armadimon (>= 3 Battles) - Gotsumon (>= 20 Machine-AP) - Toy Agumon (>= 20 Dragon-AP) - Hagurumon (passing time) Koromon - V-mon (>= 20 Dragon-AP; >= 3 Battles) - Yuki Agumon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Black Agumon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Agumon (>= 3 Battles) - Toy Agumon (passing time) Sunmon - Guilmon (>= 20 Dragon-AP) - Plotmon (>= 20 Holy-AP) - Coronamon (passing time) Tanemon - Floramon (>= 20 Insect-AP) - Mushmon (>= 3 Penalties) - Alraumon (>= 3 Battles) - Palmon (passing time) Tsunomon - Gaomon (>= 3 Battles) - Gabumon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Psychemon (>= 20 Data-AP) - Elecmon (passing time) Tokomon - V-mon (>= 20 Dragon-AP; >= 3 Battles) - Bakumon (>= 3 Battles) - Terriermon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Patamon (passing time) Nyaromon - Terriermon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Plotmon (>= 3 Battles) - Gizamon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Renamon (passing time) Pagumon - Gazimon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Goburimon (>= 3 Battles) - Pico Devimon (>= 30 Darkness-AP) - Tsukaimon (passing time) Pyocomon - Falcomon (>= 3 Battles) - Floramon (>= 20 Insect-AP) - Pico Devimon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Piyomon (passing time) Pukamon - Gomamon (>= 3 Battles) - Kamemon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Yuki Agumon (>= 20 Dragon-AP) - Gizamon (passing time) Petit Meramon - Guilmon (>= 20 Dragon-AP) - Coronamon (>= 4 Battles) - Pico Devimon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Candmon (passing time) Babydmon - Otamamon (>= 3 Penalties) - Dracomon (passing time) Moonmon - Gazimon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Black Agumon (>= 3 Battles) - Lunamon (passing time) Motimon - Kamemon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Tentomon (>= 20 Insect-AP) - Kunemon (passing time) ---------------- Child ---------------- Agumon - Geo Greymon (>= 20 Dragon-AP; >= 6 Battles) - Greymon (>= 6 Battles) - Sukamon (>= 4 Penalties) - Tyranomon (passing time) Armadimon - Shellmon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Ankylomon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Monochromon (>= 6 Battles) - Tortomon (passing time) Alraumon - Red Veggiemon (>= 20 Insect-AP) - Kiwimon (>= 20 Bird-AP) - Youkomon (>= 6 Battles) - Wizarmon (passing time) Elecmon - Kyuubimon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Thunder Ballmon (>= 20 Machine-AP) - Kentarumon (>= 4 Battles) - Red Veggiemon (passing time) Otamamon - Gekomon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Gesomon (>= 4 Battle) - Raremon (passing time) Gaomon - Kentarumon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Gaogamon (>= 6 Battles) - Galgomon (passing time) Gazimon - Devidramon (>= 20 Darkness-AP; >= 6 Battles) - Garurumon(Virus) (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Numemon (>= 4 Penalties) - Lynxmon (passing time) Gabumon - Ikkakumon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Garurumon(Virus) (>= 20 Virus-AP) - Gurumon (>= 6 Battles) - Garurumon (passing time) Kamemon - Tortomon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Icemon (>= 20 Machine-AP) - Ikkakumon (>= 6 Battles) - Shellmon (passing time) Gizamon - Seadramon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Shellmon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Devidramon (>= 6 Battles) - Gesomon (passing time) Candmon - Meramon (>= 6 Battles) - Clockmon (>= 20 Machine-AP; >= 1 Egg-Revert) - Red Veggiemon (>= 4 Penalties; time) - Lynxmon (passing time) Guilmon - Growmon (>= 6 Battles) - Meramon (>= 20 Machine-AP) - Geremon (>= 4 Penalties; time) - Dark Tyranomon (passing time) Kunemon - Kabuterimon (>= 20 Insect-AP) - Thunder Ballmon (>= 20 Machine-AP) - Red Veggiemon (>= 10 Virus-AP) - Veggiemon (passing time) Black Agumon - Greymon (>= 6 Battles) - Devidramon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Dark Tyranomon (>= 20 Dragon-AP) - Monochromon (passing time) Gotsumon - Guadromon (>= 6 Battles) - Starmon (>= 20 Machine-AP) - Icemon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Geremon (passing time) Goblimon - Kentarumon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Wizarmon (>= 10 Data-AP) - Devimon (>= 6 Battles) - Ogremon (passing time) Gomamon - Ikkakumon (>= 6 Battles) - Gururumon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Yukidarumon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Mojamon (passing time) Coronamon - Firamon (>= 5 Battles) - Meramon (>= 20 Machine-AP) - Lynxmon (passing time) Psychemon - Gururumon (>= 6 Battles) - Youkomon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Starmon (passing time) Tsukaimon - Sabirdramon (>= 20 Bird-AP) - Wizarmon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Devimon (>= 6 Battles) - Bakemon (passing time) Terriermon - D'arcmon (>= 20 Holy-AP) - Unimon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Galgomon (>= 6 Battles) - Tailmon (passing time) Tentomon - Kabuterimon (>= 6 Battles) - Kuwagamon (>= 20 Insect-AP) - Woodmon (>= 4 Penalties) - Togemon (passing time) Toy Agumon - Meramon (>= 20 Dragon-AP) - Clockmon (>= 20 Machine-AP) - Starmon (>= 20 Holy-AP) - Sukamon (passing time) Dracomon - Coredramon(Vaccine) (>= 30 Vaccine-AP; >= 5 Battles) - Coredramon(Virus) (>= 30 Virus; >= 5 Battles) - Dark Tyranomon (passing time) Bakumon - Sorcerymon (>= 20 Holy-AP) - Unimon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - D'Arcmon (>= 6 Battles) - Bakemon (passing time) Hagurumon - Guadromon (>= 6 Battles) - Clockmon (>= 20 Machine-AP) - Bakemon (>= 4 Penalties) - Starmon (passing time) Patamon - Angemon (>= 6 Battles) - Wizarmon (>= 10 Data-AP) - Kentarumon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Kyuubimon (passing time) Palmon - Kiwimon (>= 20 Bird-AP) - Togemon (>= 20 Insect-AP) - Sukamon (>= 4 Penalties) - Veggiemon (passing time) Pico Devimon - Devimon (>= 6 Battles) - Sabirdramon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Bakemon (passing time) Piyomon - Airdramon (>= 20 Dragon-AP; >= 6 Battles) - Birdramon (>= 20 Bird-AP) - Sabirdramon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Akatorimon (passing time) Falcomon - Peckmon (>= 6 Battles) - Airdramon (>= 20 Dragon-AP) - Bakemon (>= 4 Penalties) - Sabirdramon (passing time) V-mon - V-dramon (>= 6 Battles) - Seadramon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Raremon (>= 4 Penalties) - Airdramon (passing time) Plotmon - D'Arcmon (>= 6 Battles) - Angemon (>= 20 Holy-AP) - Unimon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Tailmon (passing time) Floramon - Youkomon (>= 6 Battles) - Togemon (>= 20 Insect-AP) - Angemon (>= 20 Holy-AP) - Veggiemon (passing time) Mushmon - Kuwagamon (>= 6 Battles) - Woodmon (>= 20 Insect-AP) - Red Veggiemon (passing time) Yuki Agumon - Ice Devimon (>= 6 Battles) - Seadramon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Bakemon (>= 4 Penalties) - Yukidarumon (passing time) Lunamon - Lekismon (>= 5 Battles) - Yukidarumon (>= 20 Water-AP) - Tailmon (passing time) Renamon - Leomon (>= 6 Battles; >= 1 Egg-Revert) - Youkomon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Kyuubimon (>= 20 Beast-AP) - Sukamon (passing time) ---------------- Adult ---------------- Ice Devimon - Blue Meramon (>= 10 Battles) - Crescemon (>= 40 Darkness-AP) - Lady Devimon (passing time) Icemon - Blue Meramon (>= 40 Machine-AP) - Hangyomon (>= 40 Water-AP) - Big Mamemon (passing time) Akatorimon - Garudamon (>= 40 Bird-AP; >= 8 Battles) - Phantomon (>= 40 Darkness-AP) - Deramon (passing time) Ankylomon - Triceramon (>= 8 Battles) - Anomalocarimon (>= 30 Water-AP) - Skull Greymon (passing time) Ikkakumon - Zudomon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Whamon (>= 40 Water-AP) - Hangyomon (passing time) Wizarmon - Phantomon (>= 30 Darkness-AP) - Lady Devimon (>= 8 Battles) - Vademon (passing time) Airdramon - Sabirdramon (>= 40 Dragon-AP; >= 8 Battles) - Parotmon (>= 40 Bird-AP) - Deramon (passing time) Angemon - Holy Angemon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Angewomon (>= 40 Holy-AP) - Piccolomon (passing time) Ogremon - Waru Monzeemon (>= 8 Battles) - Etemon (>= 4 Penalties) - Pandamon (passing time) Gaogamon - Mach Gaogamon (>= 10 Battles) - Were Garaumon (>= 40 Beast-AP) - Pandamon (passing time) Kabuterimon - Althur Kabuterimon (>= 40 Insect-AP; >= 8 Battles) - Anomalocarimon (>= 30 Water-AP) - Jureimon (passing time) Guardromon - Sabirdramon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Andromon (>= 40 Machine-AP) - Big Mamemon (passing time) Galgomon - Rapidmon (>= 40 Beast-AP) - Black Rapidmon (>= 8 Battles) - Pandamon (passing time) Garurumon - Were Garurumon (>= 8 Battles) - Rapidmon (>= 40 Beast-AP) - Monzaemon (passing time) Garurumon (Virus) - Were Garurumon (>= 8 Battles) - Black Rapidmon (>= 40 Beast-AP) - Waru Monzaemon (passing time) Kiwimon - Parotmon (>= 40 Bird-AP) - Garudamon (>= 10 Battles) - Deramon (passing time) Kyuubimon - Garudamon (>= 40 Bird-AP; >= 8 Battles) - Monzaemon (>= 10 Battles) - Jureimon (passing time) Growmon - Metal Greymon(virus) (>= 40 Virus-AP) - Megadramon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Skull Greymon (passing time) Gururumon - Rapidmon (>= 40 Beast-AP) - Holy Angemon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Mammon (passing time) Greymon - Metal Greymon(virus) (>= 30 Vaccine-APs; >= 8 Battles) - Metal Greymon (>= 10 Battles) - Skull Greymon (passing time) Clockmon - Metal Tyranomon (>= 40 Dragon-AP; >= 8 Battles) - Big Mamemon (>= 40 Darkness-AP) - Mamemon (passing time) Kuwagamon - Ookuwamon (>= 40 Insect-AP; >= 8 Battles) - Jureimon (passing time) Gekomon - Tonosamagekomon (>= 40 Water-AP) - Whamon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Hangyomon (passing time) Gesomon - Dagomon (>= 40 Water-AP) - Mega Seadramon (>= 8 Battles) - Vademon (passing time) Geremon - Super Starmon (>= 20 Darkness-AP) - Phantomon (>= 10 Battles) - Vademon (passing time) Kentarumon - Mach Gaogamon (>= 40 Beast-AP; >= 8 Battles) - Andromon (>= 40 Machine-AP) - Mammon (passing time) Coredramon (Vaccine) - Wingdramon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Cyberdramon (passing time) Coredramon (Virus) - Groundramon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Triceramon (passing time) Cockatrimon - Piccolomon (>= 40 Holy-AP) - Parotmon (>= 40 Bird-AP) Thunder Ballmon - Big Mamemon (>= 40 Machine-AP) - Knightmon (>= 8 Battles) - Mamemon (passing time) Shellmon - Anomalocarimon (>= 40 Water-AP) - Triceramon (>= 8 Battles) - Tonosamagekomon (passing time) Seadramon - Mega Seadramon (>= 40 Water-AP; >= 8 Battles) - Megadramon (>= 10 Battles) - Dagomon (passing time) Geo Greymon - Rize Greymon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Metal Greymon (>= 40 Dragon-AP) - Mammon (passing time) Sukamon - Etemon (>= 8 Battles) - Super Starmon (>= 40 Machine-AP) - Garbamon (passing time) Starmon - Super Starmon (>= 40 Macine-AP) - Vademon (passing time) Sabirdramon - Cyberdramon (>= 10 Battles) - Yatagaramon (>= 40 Bird-AP) - Phantomon (passing time) Sorcerymon - Angewomon (>= 40 Holy-AP) - Phantomon (>= 40 Darkness-AP) - Piccolomon (passing time) Dark Tyranomon - Metal Greymon(virus) (>= 40 Dragon-AP; >= 8 Battles) - Megadramon (>= 40 Machine-AP; >= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Metal Tyranomon (passing time) D'arcmon - Lady Devimon (>= 20 Darkness-AP; >= 10 Battles; >= 50% wins) - Angewomon (>= 40 Holy-AP) - Piccolomon (passing time) Tyranomon - Metal Greymon (>= 10 Battles) - Metal Tyranomon (>= 40 Machine-AP; >= 8 Battles) - Skull Greymon (passing time) Tailmon - Holy Angemon (>= 40 Holy-AP) - Were Garurumon (>= 40 Beast-AP) - Pandamon (passing time) Devidramon - Megadramon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Cyberdramon (>= 40 Machine-AP) - Skull Greymon (passing time) Devimon - Death Meramon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Lady Devimon (>= 40 Darkness-AP) - Phantomon (passing time) Tortomon - Zudomon (>= 8 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Anomalocarimon (>= 40 Water-AP) - Skull Greymon (passing time) Togemon - Lilymon (>= 40 Insect-AP; >= 8 Battles) - Piccolomon (>= 40 Holy-AP) - Deramon (passing time) Numemon - Whamon (>= 40 Water-AP) - Garbamon (passing time) Birdramon - Yatagaramon (>= 40 Bird-AP) - Garudamon (>= 8 Battles) - Parotmon (passing time) Bakemon - Death Meramon (>= 10 Battles) - Phantomon (passing time) Firamon - Flaremon (>= 10 Battles) - Monzaemon (passing time) V-dramon - Cyberdramon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Metal Greymon (>= 40 Dragon-AP) - Mammon (passing time) Veggiemon - Althur Kabuterimon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Jureimon (>= 40 Insect-AP) - Vademon (passing time) Peckmon - F (>= 40 Bird-AP) - Cyberdramon (>= 40 Machine-AP; >= 8 Battles) - Deramon (passing time) Meramon - Death Meramon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50 % Wins) - Blue Meramon (>= 40 Machine-AP) - Etemon (passing time) Mojamon - Mammon (>= 40 Beast-AP) - Blue Meramon (>= 40 Water-AP) - Pandamon (passing time) Monochromon - Metal Tyranomon (>= 40 Dragon-AP) - Triceramon (>= 8 Battles) - Skull Greymon (passing time) Yukiduramon - Blue Meramon (>= 40 Machine-AP) - Monzaemon (>= 40 Beast-AP) - Pandamon (passing time) Unimon - Mach Gaogamon (>= 8 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Rapidmon (>= 40 Beast-AP) - Mammon (passing time) Youkomon - Death Meramon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Rapidmon (>= 40 Beast-AP) - Lady Devimon (passing time) Lynxmon - Flaremon (>= 40 Holy-AP; >= 8 Battles) - Black Rapidmon (>= 40 Beast-AP) - Monzaemon (passing time) Raremon - Dagomon (>= 40 Water-AP) - Garbamon (passing time) Leomon - Monzaemon (>= 10 Battles; >= 50% Wins) - Waru Monzaemon (passing time) Lekismon - Crescemon (>= 10 Battles) - Waru Monzaemon (passing time) Red Veggiemon - Jureimon (>= 40 Insect-AP) - Vademon (passing time) ---------------- Perfect ---------------- Althur Kabuterimon - Hercules Kabuterimon (>= 60 Insect-AP; >= 18 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 1 Egg-Revert) Anomalocarimon - Pukumon (passing time) Andromon - High Andromon (>= 60 Machine-AP; >= 14 Battles; >= 50% Wins) Wingdramon - Slayerdramon (>= 60 Vaccine-AP battle 18, 1 egg revert) Etemon - Metal Etemon (>= 50 Virus-AP; >= 14 Battles; >= 50% Wins) Angewomon - Hououmon (>= 40 Bird-AP; >= 1 Egg-Revert) - Valkyrimon (>= 50 Bird-AP; >= 12 Battles) Ookuwamon - Gran Kuwagamon(>= 50 Insect-AP; >= 16 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 1 Egg-Revert) Garbamon - Metal Etemon (>= 60 Virus-AP; >= 60 Machine-AP) Garudamon - Hououmon (>= 50 Bird-AP; >= 16 Battles; >= 1 Egg-Revert) - Valkyrimon (passing time) Groundramon - Breakdramon (>= 60 Virus-AP, 18 battle, 1 egg revert) Crescemon - Dianamon (>= 40 Darkness-AP; >= 20 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 1 Egg-Revert) Cyberdramon - Black War Greymon (>= 50 Virus-AP; >= 50 Dragon-AP; >= 18 Battles) - Imperialdramon (>= 50 Dragon-AP; >= 16 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 2 Egg-Reverts) Jureimon - Pinocchimon (>= 60 Virus-AP; >= 60 Machine-AP) Skull Greymon - Skull Mammon (passing time) Zudomon - Vikemon (>= 60 Water-AP; >= 18 Battles; >= 50% Wins) Super Starmon - Prince Mamemon (passing time) Dagomon - Giga Seadramon (>= 40 Water-AP; >= 40 Machine-AP; >= 12 Battles) - Pukumon (passing time) Death Meramon - Piemon (>= 30 Virus-AP; >= 18 Battles; >= 50% Wins) Deramon - Prince Mamemon (>= 60 Data-AP; >= 12 Battles) Tonosama Gekomon - Giga Seadramon (>= 3 Egg-Reverts) Triceramon - Saint Galgomon (>= 60 Machine-AP; >= 18 Battles; >= 50 % Wins) Knightmon - Valkyrimon (>= 60 Bird-AP; >= 14 Battles) Parotmon - Crossmon (passing time) Hangyomon - Pukumon (passing time) Pandamon - Mirage Gaogamon (>= 40 Beast-AP; >= 22 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 1 Egg-Revert) - Skull Mammon (passing time) Big Mamemon - Prince Mamemon (>= 80 Machine-AP) Piccolomon - Rosemon (>= 40 Data-AP; >= 60 Insect-AP; >= 1 Egg-Revert) Phantomon - Pharaomon (passing time) Black Rapidmon - Saint Galgomon (>= 20 Battles; >= 50% Wins) Blue Meramon - Pharaomon (>= 16 Battles) Flaremon - Apollomon (>= 40 Holy-AP; >= 20 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 1 Egg-Revert) Holy Angemon - Hououmon (>= 60 Bird-AP; >= 16 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 1 Egg-Revert) Whamon - Plesiomon (>= 60 Water-AP; >= 14 Battles) - Metal Seadramon (>= 10 Battles; >= 3 Egg-Reverts) Mach Gaogamon - Mirage Gaogamon (>= 22 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 1 Egg-Revert) Mamemon - Mugendramon (>= 40 Machine-AP; >= 5 Egg-Reverts) - Prince Mamemon (>= 80 Machine-AP) Mammon - Skull Mammon (passing time) Mega Seadramon - Metal Seadramon (>= 14 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 1 Egg-Revert) - Giga Seadramon (>= 50 Water-AP; >= 16 Battles) Megadramon - Dukemon (>= 60 Virus-AP; >= 22 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 2 Egg-Reverts) Metal Greymon - War Greymon (>= 60 Dragon-AP; >= 14 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 1 Egg-Revert) - Victory Greymon (>= 30 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 2 Egg-Reverts) Metal Greymon (Virus) - Black War Greymon (>= 60 Dragon-AP; >= 14 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 1 Egg-Revert) Metal Tyranomon - Mugendramon (>= 60 Virus-AP; >= 20 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 2 Egg-Reverts) Monzaemon - Bantyo Leomon (>= 60 Beast-AP; >= 20 Battles; >= 70% Wins; >= 1 Egg-Revert) - Saber Leomon (passing time) Yatagaramon - Hououmon (>= 60 Bird-AP; >= 12 Battles; >= 1 Egg-Revert) - Gryphomon (passing time) Rize Greymon - Shine Greymon (>= 40 Vaccine-AP; >= 40 Dragon-AP; >= 18 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 1 Egg-Revert) - Victory Greymon (>= 30 Battles, >= 50% Wins; >= 2 Egg-Reverts) Rapidmon - Saint Galgomon (>= 18 Battles; >= 70% Wins) Lilymon - Rosemon (>= 70 Insect-AP; >= 14 Battles; >= 50% Wins) Lady Devimon - Piemon (>= 60 Virus-AP; >= 60 Darkness-AP) Were Garurumon - Metal Garurumon (>= 40 Data-AP; >= 20 Battles) - ZD Garurumon (>= 16 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 2 Egg-Reverts) Were Garurumon (Black) - Metal Garurumon (>= 40 Virus-AP; >= 20 Battles) - ZD Garurumon (>= 16 Battles; >= 50% Wins; >= 2 Egg-Reverts) Waru Monzeemon - Pinocchimon (>= 60 Darkness-AP; >= 60 Machine-AP) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maximum Digimon stats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- all digimon have a point in time when their stats can't go any higher.Here is a list of some digimon. Mirage Gaogamon (9) HP 5790 ATK 289 SPD 309 Bancholeomon (9) HP 5390 ATK 269 SPD 251 Zeed Garurumon (9) HP 6190 ATK 309 SPD 309 Groundramon (6) HP 4310 ATK 197 SPD 179 Gilmon (10) HP 1550 ATK 65 SPD 65 Super Starmon (10) HP 2630 ATK 146 SPD 161 Dukemon (10) HP 6190 ATK 309 SPD 309 Puchimon (7) HP 430 ATK 21 SPD 21 Babydmon (7) HP 750 ATK 37 SPD 37 Dracomon (7) HP 1550 ATK 77 SPD 65 Princemamemon (10) HP 3950 TP 180/233 ATK 233 DEF 180/233 INT 180/233 SPD 269 Dark Tyrannomon (7) HP 1790 ATK 101 SPD 77 Coredramon (Va) (7) HP 2330 ATK 116 SPD 131 Coredramon (Vi) (7) HP 2630 ATK 101 SPD 89 BlackWarGreymon (7) HP 5390 ATK 269 SPD 269 SaintGargomon (7) HP 4310 ATK 269 SPD 197 Phantomon (12) HP 2330 ATK 131 SPD 179 Seadramon (12) HP 2030 ATK 101 SPD 89 Whamon (12) HP 3950 ATK 161 SPD 116 Dagomon (12) HP 2930 ATK 179 SPD 146 MetalSeadramon (12) HP 6190 ATK 269 SPD 289 GigaSeadramon (12) HP 4670 ATK 251 SPD 251 Cyberdramon (8) HP 2930 ATK 146 SPD 179 Triceramon (8) HP 3230 ATK 161 SPD 116 Imperialdramon FM (8) HP 6190 ATK 309 SPD 309 Pharaomon (12) HP 4670 ATK 215 SPD 215 Rosemon (7 Eggs) HP 2670, ATK 251, SPD 309 Hououmon (7 Eggs) HP 5390, ATK 269, SPD 289 Dianamon (6 Eggs) - 5390 HP, 269ATK, 259 SPD Piemon (6 Eggs) - 4670 HP, 251ATK, 251 SPD Apollomon (6 Eggs) - 5790 HP, 269ATK, 251 SPD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cages ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Lot: Defense, Bug/Plant, Dark Resistance Mini Sports Field: HP, Speed, Beast Sports Field: HP, Speed Stadium: Speed, TP, Bird Dojo: TP, Holy, Vaccine MiniGym: Attack, Machine, Data Gym: Attack Temple: Intelligence, TP, Light Resistance Plains: Beast, Speed MiniVolcano: Dragon, Attack, Heat Resistance Volcano: Dragon MiniBeach: Water, Cold Resistance, TP Beach: Water, Cold Resistance MiniHigh Mountain: Bird, Speed, Light Resistance High Mountain: Bird Forest: Bug/Plant, Bird, Intelligence Jungle: Bug/Plant, Beast, Dark Resistance Factory: Machine, Lightning Resistance, Data MiniFlower Garden: Holy Flowergarden: Holy, Vaccine Graveyard: Darkness, Virus, Dark Resistance Desert: Heat Resistance Ice: Cold Resistance Power Plant: Lightning Resistance Holy Place: Light Resistance Cave: Dark Resistance, Darkness Laboratory: Data, Intelligence Hospital: Vaccine, Gas Room: Virus, Darkness, Dark Resistance Ring: (Fight# is "hidden", raises Total Fights 1/entry) Attack, HP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Common Q and A A I guess one year. If digivolved to mega at least one year. *Note* When you digivolve you expand their lifespan. Q I can't get gold rank . Why ?? A Complete the species only battles and the highest star rank match. *Note* After the battle if the medal goes on a list of medals that medal counts towards your rank. Q Whats the point of training if one stat goes up and another goes down?? A Train only in summer. One stat goes up 3-14 and the other goes down about 12. Train both to have close to capped out stats. Q Do digimon keep their stats after reverting? A No they only keep their egg revert stats and possibly their personality. Q Does a mega revert? A All digimon revert Q Quickest way to make Bits? A Matches and selling digimon. Q Passwords??? A Put in passwords to fight a set of digimon Q Is this game good?? A Depends on if you like digimon and can handle disappointments of reverting Q What mega/ultimate digimon can be entered in Pendulum Distortion A Mega Ultimate wargreymon metalgreymon chaosdramon metaltyranoomon Dukemon megadramon Alforce V-Dramon Megidramon imperialdramon Q Signs??? A Music = happy, non stress, compatible with the other digimon Scribble = Stressed , take out the digimon that has selfish personality bandage = 1+ penalty injured can not battle cure with bandage medicine = 2 + penalty, sick, can die if not cured with medicine Q HP TP Ap ???? HP = Health TP = Technical Points AP = Digimon's strength and weaknesses Q Other stats???? A Atk = Attack Power(more damage inflicted) Def = Defense( Less damage received) Spd = Speed(Movement ) Wis = The more likely the digimon will use a TP attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biggest Secret Of the Game You can control one digimon in battle if you complete the digipedia. Here controls. B Button: Attack AXY: Special Attacks LR: SP Start: Switch Digimon Good Luck ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Q: What are the cheat codes for Digimon world championships?
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Related questions

How do you get Digimon passwords in Digimon world championship?

You just go on the website Digimon World Championship cheats and codes and it will show you the answer. or go to battle and look at YOUR digimon codes

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Are there cheat codes for the World of Warcraft?

There are no cheat codes in World of Warcraft. WoW is a client-server game.

How do you work acww cheat codes?

There isn't any cheat codes on wild world

Where do you put the cheat codes in need for speed world?

there are codes

How do you get Dracomon?

Dracomon is not obtainable in any game except for Digimon World Championships. You have to look around in places where dragons would be in.

On Digimon World Dawn can you get GranDracmon with a cheat?

they're is a way 2 get him but i cant tell u

Is their codes for leveling up in World of Warcraft?

No, World of warcraft Currently has no Cheat codes

What are some World of Warcraft cheat engine codes?

Sorry, World of Warcraft does not have any cheat codes. Trying to hack the game will also get you banned.

What are all Digimon games?

Personally, I think the best Digimon game is Digimon World Dusk/ Dawn or Digimon World Data Squad. others have different opinions but those are the ones I like best. Personally, I think the best Digimon game is Digimon World Dusk/ Dawn or Digimon World Data Squad. others have different opinions but those are the ones I like best.

Can you trade Digimon on Digimon battle?

well my friend had digimon world ds he was borrowing it and i had my very own digimon world dawn my friend says lets trade! so we tryed but it didnt work =( if you had digimon world dawn and the digimon world dusk then you can trade but digimon world ds can only trade with digimon world ds and digimon world championship can only trade with digimon world championship hope that helps!!!!!!!

How do you catch Digimon in Digimon world PS?

you can't catch Digimon in Digimon World 1 on PS.