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It just depends on what your opponent has. I usually use dark and dragon types as my main force with back ups of water and ground for some good group attacks. I think I have a great combination, but if someone faced me with Pokemon that specialize in things my Pokemon are weak to, I would still lose.

What the heck that's gay you have 5 legendaries my team is a slaking luxray dragonite kingler honchkrow and a rhypherior

Answer to comment above... your team consists of Pokemon that are especially weak to ice.. (dragonite, rhyperior and luxray, possibly honchcrow). a fast Pokemon such as alakazam with ice beam such as mine with almost 350 speed would effectively destroy your team. it's not a terrible team above but has to many weaknesses. as long as you have sweepers and a good starter with a wall or two as well you can win most battles.

My team...

Alakazam - Psychic - Ice Beam main moves

Blissy - Baton Pass - swords dance

Infernape - close combat - flamethrower

swampert - surf - earthquake


salamance - dragon claw - dragon dance

I personally likes Clefable, jumpluff and phione. Because they are not overly used and can get the job done.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Try :)

They have games.

You can play.


if u have an ds

get Pokemon SoulSilver :)

..... - Pokemon Freak

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βˆ™ 15y ago

a equilibrated team that can defeat all (or almost at least) types

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Kyrum is the best pokemon use in pokemom Black and white.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Swampert, staraptor, luxray, alakazam, torterra, infernape, scizor, snorlax, and dragonite. (didn't include lgendaries but these definitely the best battlers)

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Q: What are the best pokemon to use in a battle in pokemon black?
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How do you beat nacrine gym on Pokemon Black?

Its best if you use fighting type pokemon. black- Sawk would be your best to use to beat the gym white- Throh would be your best to use to beat the gym.

What Pokemon emerald battle frontier team is the best without Pokemon you have to trade to evolve?

there isn't really a best team i find a team with well balanced types i know the best team to use on the Pokemon league is just a blazeiken and a salamence so that might work on the battle frontier aswel and with that a good water Pokemon and that should work

Which Pokemon can you use durng a wi-fi battle in Pokemon Battle Revolution?

Any except eggs and glitch pokemon.

Which are the best Pokemon to beat the battle frontier?

If it was me, I would use garchomp, floatzel and electabuzz. The best possible team is garchomp, a starter and metagross

How do you use your Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

In Pokemon platinum, like in all Pokemon games you battle your Pokemon against other Pokemon to make them stronger, the object of the game is to beat the eliete 4 who are the best at battling and complete the pokedex.

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Can you use Sinnoh pokemon from black on Pokemon Battle Revolution?


Can you use Pokemon from Pokemon White on Pokemon Battle Revolution?

No you cant because Pokemon White and Black has new Pokemon that Pokemon battle Revolution cant use

What is the best way to battle on Pokemon?

you use diffrent types of Pokemon to get a advantge

In Pokemon black what is the best way to train for the Pokemon league?

Use Lucky Egg. Battle every trainer. The highest Pokemon you'll battle (first time around) is 54. My highest was 57 but I still had problems. And be sure to stock up on meds.

What place can you use your bp points in Pokemon Black and White?

in the battle subway

How do you beat nacrine gym on Pokemon Black?

Its best if you use fighting type pokemon. black- Sawk would be your best to use to beat the gym white- Throh would be your best to use to beat the gym.

Are there any moves that heal the user on Pokemon black or white?

If you are in a double battle and one of your Pokemon has the move heal pulse, then you can use it on your own Pokemon.

Are Pokemon Black and White comparable with Pokemon Battle Revolution?

not by the looks of things i think Nintendo will make a game like xd gale of darkness for wii tho and use the new black and white Pokemon in that (i hope) *UPDATE* Yes, all games will work for Pokemon Battle Revolution, even Generation V. (Pokemon Black and White.)

Where do you battle galvantula in Pokemon black?

thee is someone out side of dragonspiral tower that has a galvantula. but to get there use surf

On Pokemon Battle Revolution i copied my Pokemon off Pokemon platinum but now i cant copy Pokemon from Pokemon diamond can you help me?

u cant use to Pokemon games on 1 battle revolution save its 1 or the other its best to see wich 1 has the best Pokemon because u will win more

What are four good Pokemon to use in Pokemon Battle Revolution?

i had the game and i downloaded palakia dialga giratina and cressalia because there like the best Pokemon there

Where do you go to use the light stone on Pokemon black?

go to N's castle and use it to revive reshiram before your final battle w/ N.