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because it only opened up to a select few no hacks have been found yet

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Q: What are the answers to get into each house on Pottermore?
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How do you get on the Quidditch team on Pottermore?

Yes, when you get to the 'Sorting Hat' chapter you are sorted into a house based on the answers you give to the questions. You can then earn house points as you explore the rest of the chapters and through the activities.

Do you get to choose your own house in the Harry Potter interactive game?

It depends which interactive game you join. If you're talking about Pottermore, then no, you fill in a questionaire and are sorted based on your answers.

When is the Pottermore house cup winner announced?

The house cup isn't announced on a regular schedule. There will be an update on the Pottermore Insider shortly before they tally up the next one.

What is the next clue for Pottermore?

It would be unfair to know the next Pottermore clue before it was released. You can find a list of all the clues and answers on the link to the Pottemore Insider in related links.

What is a walkthrough of Pottermore?

The Pottermore Wiki contains guides which goes though each chapter and also contains lists on every collectable item.

Does music play on Pottermore?

Each moment has an atmospheric soundtrack behind it.

How many house points do you get for making a sleeping draught on Pottermore?

You receive 25 house points for brewing this correctly.

Why can't you win house points for duelling on Pottermore?

Originally you didn't earn house points for duelling, but you do now.

Why are there only 340679 combined house points between 672102 students on Pottermore?

This is because not everybody has earned house points yet.

Is pottermore a good game?

Yes pottermore is fairly good the only problem is the second book isnt unlocked yet and it is quite annoying but you can duel make potions and even get put into a house and get a wand

What is the search engine on Pottermore?

Pottermore does not have a search engine.

What timezone is Pottermore in?

Pottermore is British. It is in the GMT timezone.