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In episode 200 ("Usagi's Love! Moonlight Lights up the Whole Galaxy!"), Usagi has a voiceover in the last few moments that reveals her age after the events of the entire Sailor Moon series; it is similar to the introduction speech she used to give at the beginning of each episode in the first season: "I'm Tsukino Usagi, sixteen years old and in the first year of high school. I'm a bit rash and a bit of a crybaby. But actually, I'm the fighter for love and justice, Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon."

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13y ago

The Inner Senshi start at 14 at the beginning of the Sailor Moon series and at the end are 16 years old. Here are the Senshi listed in order of age (oldest to youngest), with their birthday beside their names (original first, dubbed English name in parentheses):

  • Rei (Raye) - April 17
  • Usagi (Serena) - June 30
  • Ami (Amy) - September 10
  • Minako (Mina) - October 22
  • Makoto (Lita) - December 5

Sailors Uranus and Neptune are older than the Inners, having been in high school when they first appeared (during the third arc/season, Sailor Moon Super), when the Inners were still in junior high. In order from oldest to youngest:

  • Haruka (Amara) - January 27
  • Michiru (Michelle) - March 6

Sailor Pluto is most likely the oldest of the Sailor Senshi, but because she is the guardian of the Space-Time door, and depending on which version of the canon you're watching/reading, her age may be different; in the manga, she died during the arc in which she appeared (the second arc, "Black Moon"), stopping time to prevent Prince Diamond from uniting two Silver Crystals; in the anime, she died in the third season (Sailor Moon Super), stopping time to save Sailors Uranus and Neptune in an attack on their helicopter on the way to defeat the Death Busters.

While Setsuna reappears, presumably the same age as when she "died" in both the anime and the manga, it's never definitively stated if she ages alongside everyone else or not. However, she does have a listed birthday:

  • Setsuna (Trista) - October 29

Like Sailor Pluto, Sailor Saturn undergoes some odd aging processes. In both the anime and the manga, she starts out older and then is reborn as a baby that rapidly ages when she receives her Saturn powers once more. The age at which she appears (anywhere from nine years old to 12) to be may or may not be her actual age, especially if her death/rebirth is taken into account:

  • Hotaru (Hotaru) - January 6

Of the main characters, Sailor Chibi Moon is most likely the youngest, although we don't know how old she really is, she appeared to stop aging at some point in her early youth. In the manga, King Endymion mentions that Chibiusa is actually 902 years old, but the reasons behind her age having halted is unknown; while all those of the Moon's royalty have an extended lifespan, they do seem to age at the same rate as normal humans, but halt in their mid-20s. This was not the case for Chibiusa. However, in the manga, once she gained her Sailor Senshi transformation, the seal on her age broke, and she appeared to be a pre-teenager.

This is also the case in the anime, but less dramatically: while she is shown apparently growing taller/having an older appearance after she transforms, it's never explicitly stated by how many years; she appears to be about eight or nine years old, and perhaps just a bit younger when she's not transformed.

  • Chibiusa (Rini) - June 30
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13y ago

The Guardian Senshi/ Inner Senshi- 14 at start, 16 at the end

Mamoru- in the manga, 17 at the start, 19 at the end. In anime, 19 at start, 21 at the end

Haruka/Michiru- 17 at the end

Setsuna- 20 at the end

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14y ago

I want to say 16 since her boyfriend is 17 in the beginning, but she was 14....

She looks loads older than she is although she sort of acts her age...

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Sailor Moon characters can be purchased online from several shops. The shop list includes, but is not limited to, Sailor Moon World, Barnes & Noble, Moon Kitty, Amazon and Angel Fire.

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Sailor Venus is part of the Sailor Moon anime series. In the storyline she was the first to be approached and woken up by the moon cats but in the anime series she is one of the last major characters to make an appearance.

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Where can I find Sailor Moon episode 167 in English with the real voices names and Characters online and not on youtubecom?

i do not watch sailor moon but I'm sure it is on 'Anime freak TV ' :) try it out if you haven't already :I

How many season's did Sailor Moon have?

5 in total: Sailor Moon Sailor Moon R Sailor Moon S Sailor Moon SuperS Sailor Stars Sailor Stars was never released in an English Speaking country! :( But a very good season! :) :D ^-^

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In the sailor moon movies such as: Sailor moon R, Sailor Moon S, Sailor Moon Super S Serena's voice was voiced/played by Terri Hawkes who voiced Serena in the first sereis Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon R and Sailor Moon S.But she was switched on and off with Tracey Moore in the first series.

Is Sailor Moon sailor serinity?

Sailor Moon is Princess Serenity, however there is no "Sailor Serenity"